Best philosophical ideas to educate, consolidate and transform Humanity into integrated CITIZENSHIP of the Earth-XXI |
"Global citizenship - from UN (UNESCO) civic educational initiative
to its WPF practical implementation"
Holistic civic Education is the only way to the proper SOCIALIZATION
of the human population and his Empowerment to elect a better life on Earth, around them
Universal SOCIALIZATION of the Humanity through uniform civic education
Everyone on Earth, who has reason, morality and global responsibility, would not deny that the situation on the planet deteriorates with every passing month bringing the Humanity closer and closer to a worldwide catastrophe. World order becomes more and more without a proper order or with the worst variant of "order".
Atomic Scientists, including 19 Nobel Laureates, insist that Earth now is closer to human-caused doomsday than it has been in more than 30 years because of global warming and nuclear weaponry. According to their opinion the probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken soonest. Today, unchecked climate change and a nuclear arms race resulting from modernization of huge arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued further existence of Humanity. And present «world» leaders have failed to act with the speed or on the scale required to protect Earth population from potential catastrophe. These failures of today's planet leadership endanger every person on Earth.
The main reason of the observable global deterioration is well known - it is the degradation of the average human mentality, which reflects in increase of individuals' ignorance and lack in their minds of compulsory human, philosophical, and civil "ordinary" knowledge.
This degradation of human mentality raises the necessity to innovate the concept, purpose and content of common, but fist of all civic education according to the global era. To form a new human being with a global vision is necessary to inculcate a more sophisticated Universal Education on the planet - with philosophically oriented, modern, scientific, unified and uniform content.
Feeling this need and trying to improve the situation worldwide, UNESCO yet 10 years ago adopted its "Strategy on Philosophy" urging all to study true philosophical ideas and teachings at schools and universities. 8 years later, in September 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared the new UN Global initiative "Education First": to improve the quality (content) of learning, to foster global citizenship, and to realize that "Education is more than literacy and numeracy - it is about citizenry."
Following this UN initiative, UNESCO put it forward in its "Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 - 2021" appealing to foster inclusive, quality and lifelong learning opportunities for all and promote a sense of global citizenship.
Thus, the term global citizenship is being used since then more and more often, but little people know, what this term means in fact.
To make it clear, it is necessary to understand first of all that any human being is a social being, and his natural way of living is to stay and act among other individuals with similar level of social mentality (mind, consciousness, knowledge). This level the human can reach only in one way - through social bringing up and education. Otherwise he is not fit to live in the normal society.
At the same time societies (communities) have in their structure different social levels: family, local (municipal, town, city, etc.), regional (territorial and/or ethnic), country (national), global (Earth, supranational, world).
Accordingly, every social level of the communities should be governed:
1. Family community - by the family head and family council, and by social organs;
2. Local (municipal, town, city, etc.) community - by the municipal (town, city, etc.) Head (Mayer, etc.) and local Council;
3. Regional (territorial and/or ethnic) community - by the regional Head (Governor, etc.) and regional Parliament;
4. Country (national, state) community - by the country (national, state) Head (President, or Prime-minister, or Monarch, etc.) and national Parliament;
5. Global community (the entire population of the Earth - living generation of the mankind) - by the Supreme (supranational) Council of the Humanity and supranational Earth Parliament.
All these Heads, Councils and Parliaments should be duly elected by authorized by Constitutions or other regulations or traditions members of the societies (communities) - family members, citizens of appropriate grades - local, regional, national and global (supranational).
To elect the adequate government (council, parliament) of the corresponding grade of the society (community) structure in the most proper way the citizens should have duly developed for that purpose appropriate levels of mentality (mind, consciousness, knowledge) - family, local, regional, national, global, which can be reached (obtained) only through a full-scale upbringing and social (civic) education.
As the ranges (levels) of society (community) structure are different, the same differences are to be reached in the levels of individuals' mentality (mind, consciousness) structure characterized by different parts (volumes) of knowledge that can be reached by a person during the process of his individual upbringing and social (civic) lifelong education for all.
In the process of his socialization apart of obligatory knowledge gained during school education every Earth inhabitant should learn a full range of not less obligatory human and civil knowledge of all social levels of the society (community) structure. So:
Level I . Each family member should know for sure:
1. Characteristics of family upbringing, traditions, history and ancestors.
2. Standards of human behavior in the family, and follow them.
3. Standard family values and vices, based on reason, justice, morality and responsibility.
4. Traditional family duties and human rights.
5. School education program.
6. Family budgeting and home skills.
7. The healthy way of life, common rules of behavior in the society, ethics and aesthetics.
8. The family language(s) of intercommunication.
9. The way to care for parents and bring up children.
This part of social (family) knowledge should be provided in families by their heads (parents, grandparents) under supervision of social organs.
Having passed such primary education, family members gain enough civil knowledge of this level and become First grade (family) citizens able to discuss and correctly solve questions and problems of family importance.
Level II. Each local (municipal, town, city, etc.) community member (local inhabitant) should know also:
1. The main data of local (municipal, town, city, etc.) community current statistics as well as the community development plans, proclaimed by its Council.
2. The local (municipal, town, city, etc.) community history and his traditions.
3. The structure of the local governance and existent modern typical structures of the local self-management.
4. The list of the local community basic values and vices, based on wisdom, reason and morality.
5. The list of duties and rights of a Man (Human Being) and a Citizen adopted in the local community.
6. Legal, economic, demographic, household, education regulation, existing in a given local community.
7. The list and location of the local trade centers, industry and production arias, cultural and educational institutions and facilities.
8. The local community cultural standards and traditions of decent behavior, and follow them.
9. The healthy and orderly way of life to be practiced, also the evils of the lifestyle and behavior specific for a given local community that should be avoided.
10. The local language of communication, the local net of public transport.
This part of social (civil) knowledge should be provided by the local administration.
Having passed such advanced civic education the local community members gain enough civil knowledge of this level and become Second (local) grade citizens able to discuss and duly solve questions and problems of local community importance as well as to elect correctly local leaders.
Level III. Each regional (territorial and/or ethnic) community member (regional inhabitant) should know for sure:
1. The main data of current statistics of quality of regional (territorial and/or ethnic) community life as well as regional development goals and plans, proclaimed by regional Council (parliament).
2. The regional (territorial and/or ethnic) community history and his traditions.
3. The structure of the regional (territorial and/or ethnic) governance and the existing modern structures of regional self-government.
4. The list of the regional community basic values and vices, based on wisdom, reason and morality.
5. The regional community duties and rights of a Man (Human Being) and a Citizen.
6. Legal, economic, demographic, household, education regulations, existing in a given regional community.
7. The list and location of the regional trade centers, industry and production arias, cultural and educational institutions and facilities.
8. The regional community cultural standards and traditions of decent behavior, adopted by the regional parliament, and follow them.
9. The healthy and orderly way of life to be practiced, the evils of the lifestyle and behavior specific for a given regional community that should be avoided.
10. The regional language of communication, the regional net of public transport.
This part of social (civil) knowledge should be provided and monitored by the regional administration.
Having passed this kind of civic education and training regional inhabitants gain enough appropriate civil knowledge of this level and become Third grade (regional) citizens able to discuss and solve in the best way questions, problems and challenges of regional importance, and also to elect the most competent regional leaders.
Level IV. Every inhabitant of a country (a national state) should learn well:
1. Key national statistics, as well as goals and plans of national development, proclaimed by the national Parliament.
2. The national community history and traditions.
3. The structure of the national (state) governance and worldwide known modern typical structures and principles of national self-government.
4. The list of basic values and vices of the national importance, based on wisdom, reason and morality.
5. The list of human and citizen's duties and rights of national importance to be observed in a given country.
6. Legal, economic, demographic, household, education regulations, existing in a given country.
7. The list and location of the main national industry and production arias, cultural and educational institutions and facilities.
8. The national cultural standards and traditions of decent behavior adopted by the national Parliament, and follow them.
9. The healthy and orderly way of life to be practiced, also the evils of the lifestyle and behavior specific for a given country that should be avoided.
10. The national (state) language(s) fixed in the national Constitution, the national net of public transport.
The overall study of this part of civil knowledge in the country should be provided and monitored by the national Government.
Having passed this part of civic education and training country inhabitants gain enough appropriate civil knowledge of national level and become Fourth grade (national) citizens able to discuss and solve in a proper way questions, problems and challenges of national importance, and also to elect the most competent national leaders and managers.
Level V. Each member of the global (Earth, supranational, overall, world) community (all Earth inhabitants) should know very well:
- About the «Millennium Development Goals», proclaimed by the United Nations Organization, «Global Development Goals of Humanity in the 21st century», about UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy 2014 - 2021, about other projects of «Concept of further development of the Humanity».
- About «UNESCO Strategy on Philosophy», history of formation of classical philosophy and its basic ideas, the two famous Ancient Greek traditions.
- About Universal ideology of Humanity of the XXI century - Transuniversalism, and its basis - Neo-Humanist and Trans-Humanist ideas.
- "Big History" and the modern scientific picture of the World, including on the Resolution 1580 (2007) of the Council of Europe «The dangers of creationism in education», about the structure of biosphere and bioethics bases.
- About the Table of Aristotle on the types of state (political) governance and modern typical structures of self-management.
- Today's list of «the Universal basic values and vices», based on wisdom, reason and morality.
- Paramount universal duties and rights of a Man (Human Being) and a Citizen.
- The division of society on the mental signs (parameters).
- The structure of the world economy, the political and geographical maps of the Earth, the current main data of international statistics.
- The peculiarities of universal culture and standards of decent behavior, and follow them.
- The healthy and orderly way of life to be practiced, as well as the universal evils of the lifestyle and behavior that should be avoided.
- The List of today's major global threats and challenges to the Humanity, and way of their solution.
- The Universal Constitution of Earth and the structure of the Universal State of Earth.
- The history of leading Earth religions, theism and secularism.
- The language of international communication (English), to obtain ability to use a computer, internet and a mobile phone.
The overall study of this part of civil knowledge should be provided and monitored by the supranational Earth Government, during the transitional period (before its formation) - by the World Philosophical Forum.
Sense of Global citizenship is practically the top level of human consciousness. Therefore only after passing this most important at present time part of civic education and training Earth inhabitants gain enough appropriate civil knowledge of global level and become Fifth grade (top, supranational, global, Earth) citizens able to discuss and solve in a most effective way questions, problems and challenges of top national, supranational, global, universal importance, and also to elect the most competent supranational Earth (global) leaders and managers. Best from Earth citizens (best out of the best) can become Earth-XXI Aristocrats.
So, this is how the social and civic education should be arranged all over the planet to form a modern, fit to meet the challenges of the XXI century, unified and uniform global mentality of most of its 7 billion inhabitants, on the basis of which it is only possible to reach mutual understanding, peace and prosperity on the Earth. But such education, unfortunately, in most cases is not organized so neither at the family level, nor at the local or regional, or national levels. In the budget of any country you unlikely find items of this kind of expenses. And a supranational community does not have yet a budget at all. At the same time most of rulers are even interested to keep their population in the civil ignorance - such people are easier to manipulate. This was stated yet by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy: "The power of government is held on ignorance of the people; it knows this and therefore will always struggle against the enlightenment".
However, all the above levels of individuals' mentality (consciousness) are structured in his mind one over another, and the absence of, at least, even one of them, i.e. one part of the modern social (civil) knowledge, means for such a person to be to some extent in social (civil) ignorance and lack of proper culture. His citizen's status of one or another (or all) of the five grades in fact in this case should be considered as faked and unreal.
Thus, in order to achieve effectively the objectives of the UN civic educational initiatives, the time has come along with prior to start constituting the supranational, the highest level (Nr.V) of the planet civil society structure in the form of the Universal State of Earth. This level can consist entirely from fifth grade (top, supranational, global, Earth) citizens. Only following this road through teaching of latest social and civil knowledge to all the population of the Earth, we can have finally pure, true global citizenship and globally responsible leadership on our planet.
Keeping this in mind, how confident you are that all of today's world leaders, who decide the fate of all the mankind (including your own as well) on the summits of G7, Rio + 20, etc., adequately possess all the above civic knowledge of the V-th level to take reasonable decisions unmistakable for the subsequent fate of the Humanity? Essentially, most of today's world leaders are elected by the ignorant population from themselves, that is why they are civically not educated properly, i.e. practically ignorant.
Then to what extent they are capable to realize their global responsibility for the fate of our planet and forms of the life on it, which developed millions of years, as well as for the fate of future generations of Earthmen? After all, the situation on the planet as a result of their mismanagement and disunited ruling is only getting worse daily, and at any moment the world may collapse. Who can make them responsible with the utmost rigor (just now, afterwards it will be too late) and actually control their decisions? Only citizens of the fifth grade through the institutions and organs of the Universal State of Earth! But they yet are to be educated.
Meanwhile, TV news channels report only about ever greater climate and military threats to all the life on Earth. So, please, think and join the community of Earth-XXI citizens, and also invite everyone you can. Together we shall defend the life on Earth and the bright future of Mankind, including your own present and future!!!
Thus, the only way out of the current downward situation on the Earth is this: |
Meanwhile the new generation is waiting for your activity to be started... |
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You may start doing common good!!! Just | ![]() |
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