Best philosophical ideas to educate, consolidate and transform Humanity into integrated CITIZENSHIP of the Earth-XXI |
Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL
for educating and certification of
Earth-XXI (global) Citizens
Athens, Greece
Socratic Philosophical SCHOOLWorld BRANCHES
"I am a citizen, not of Athens, or Greece,
but of the World."
Socrates, 469 BC-399 BC
"Our objective is to promote a sense of
global citizenship".
Irina Bokova,
UNESCO Director-General, 2013
Dear colleagues, there is a very important theme for the world of today:
"The universal formation of man for humanity's integration".I suggest this theme, considering that all stable systems keep in good condition in the universe itself. Humanity is not yet a stable system because it has not yet achieved its integration. Humanity cannot achieve its integration if we do not have citizens of the world, with universal formation. In this sense, in this worldwide Forum we should promote the ideas about the man's universal formation for humanity's integration.
Fidel Gutierrez Vivanco
GUSI Peace Prize International Laureate
Lima - Peru
If you are not happy or even not satisfied with what is going on the Earth nowadays, how the list of unsolved problems, major global threats and challenges to Mankind grows;
If you do not agree just to watch as our planet gets worse and worse with every passing day until it will be ruined completely; If you want a better life for yourself, for your children and grandchildren, for your friends and relatives, for future generations as a whole; You have to stop being passive and begin to act united with other sober-sided and reasonable people in order to resist further deterioration of Life on Earth and teach others to think in the same way.You can never do it alone no matter how much you are strong and rich;
This can be done only by becoming a CITIZEN with the mentality of the XXI century, able to be united into the Citizenship of the Earth! And these CITIZENS of the EARTH should be sensible, intelligent, well educated, morally strong people with clear conscience.But in order to become a Citizen of the Earth-XXI, you need to develop your own consciousness and to supplement existing knowledge that you have with the compulsory set of necessary and special ordinary civil knowledge. * * *
Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL is ready to offer countries and states the necessary assistance in
establishment of national systems of upbringing and education of CITIZENS of the XXI century
The National Academies Members -
Earth-XXI (global) Citizens
S. Bagaev
E. Moutsopoulos
A. Guseinov
V. Stepin
The GUSI Peace Prize International Laureates -
Earth-XXI (global) Citizens
Fidel Gutierrez
R. Di Done
T. Ecimovic
Igor Kondrashin
Glen Martin
Haji Omar
Raoul Weiler
MINIMUM of knowledge,
which every individual on Earth should learn
to become a real Man (a Human Being) -
an Earth Citizen of the 21st century
If after having studied the MINIMUM of knowledge you would wish to become a Citizen of the Earth-XXI and unite with the same, you can just send your application at e-mail: info@wpf-unesco.org, to pay the registration fee and pass the process of certification and inauguration in the Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL in Athens or in one of its world branches (presently) or distantly.
Full-time certification and inauguration includes an interview, extra classes to clarify poorly understood by the applicant issues (if necessary), awarding Certificates, ensigns, identity cards and later after some time "PASSPORTS of the Citizen of the Earth". Procedure of certification and inauguration and in Athens is carried out within agreed time frame in one of the SCHOOL premises. Rector of the Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL in Athens -
Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos - WPF Honorary President, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, Honorary Rector of the Athens University, Greece - Profile
Director of the Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL in Athens -
Dr. Steven Vogazianos-Roy - WPF Athens city branch Head - Profile
After that your name will be listed in the special LIST of Citizens of the Earth-XXI on the web site of the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM, that would mean authenticity received by you the Certificate, the Decoration, the Identity card and later on the PASSPORT of the Earth Citizen, and you can continue your life having the TOP civil status of the Earth-XXI Citizen. * * *
Availability of the Certificate, Identity card and the PASSPORT of the "Citizen of the Earth" should be regarded as evidence of intelligence and high moral qualities of their owner, and to be the most authoritative recommendatory documents at employment in any international organization, transnational company, at elections or appointments to all public offices and state posts in all countries and states. * * *
So, if you wish
to be certified as the Earth-XXI Citizens at Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL in Athens
(with receipt of appropriate Certificate, Decoration and "PASSPORT of Earth Citizen"),
please, get knowing the MINIMUM of knowledge,
which every individual on Earth should learn for sure in XXI century.
After that you may send your Application to WFF e-mail at: info@wpf-unesco.org
информер времени
The payment details:
One-time registration fee for the right to become the Citizen of the Earth-XXI is:
1) for one person (individual) = 100 euro, including the cost of the Civil Certificate, Decoration, Identity card with the personal ID number of the Citizen of the Earth-XXI as well as membership fee in International movement "DIALECTIC" - "WISDOM, REASON and MORALITY - back to Humanity" of the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM NGO Organization.
2) for 2 - 3 persons (group registration) = 75 euro per person;
3) for 4 - 5 persons (group registration) = 50 euro per person;
4) for 6 - 7 persons (group registration) = 30 euro per person;
2) for 8 - 10 persons (group registration) = 25 euro per person; Registration fee to become a Citizen of the Earth-XXI is effected for those Earth inhabitants, who have studied the MINIMUM of Earth-XXI citizen's knowledge distantly from WPF web-site and wish to receive his Civil certificate and ID card with the personal ID number through his E-mail. The total amount in Euro for individual or group registration can be transferred to WPF Bank account in:
ALPHA BANK, Athens, Greece,
IBAN account No.: GR06 0140 1980 1980 0278 6037 120
Swift code: CRBAGRAA
to the name of WPF President Igor Kondrashin If you like, you have the possibility to pay your Earth-XXI Citizenship registration fee (individual or total group) from your debit or credit card:We would be greatful to you if you send the information about the transference of your amount with your name to the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM Organization at info@wpf-unesco.org & ikondrashin@ya.ru so that we can begin the procedure of assigning you the status of "Citizen of the Earth-XXI".
Thank you for your understanding.
In view of the above the Man - Citizen of the Earth-XXI - should differ positively from other individuals who inhabit our planet, in particular:
1. High good breeding and education - unlike ignorance and bad manners of others;
2. Well-formed consciousness as the basis of reason and morality. Aborted or distorted consciousness makes individuals unwise and immoral;
3. Healthy reflection on what is happening around him and in the world as a whole. Absence of such reflection deprives individuals of conscience and responsibility for his own destiny and all that surrounds him;
that is to constitute the segment of Mankind representing the best, most modern of its members, possessing wisdom, reason and morality. This means that only they can benefit people in both politics and economics, and in personal life. And it is these people that should be trusted posts in international organizations and in state bodies. It is possible to rely on them both in business, and in a life.
See the LIST
of Citizens of the Earth-XXI
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