Universal CONSTITUTION of Earth
Generally speaking, any CONSTITUTION is the most important document for every human being as it stipulates fundamental principles of organization, everyday living and decent behavior in a society, based on which the members of this society keep in-between relationship and self-government. Consequently, the Constitution should be considered as the Supreme Law common and equally obligatory for all inhabitants on territory of a particular society, men and women, young and aged, rich and poor, ill and healthy, strong and weak, and therefore it should be properly studied by all of them, kept in mind, fulfilled, and modernized in due way and time.
It is obvious, that the world on Earth is becoming as a more and more global complete system, which requires global governance, well described and open for everyone’s understanding and reach. Thus, the Universal Constitution of Earth is exactly such a document designated for all Inhabitants of Earth in the started era of globalization, which describes the new World order induced to secure the Life on the planet and provide peaceful public tranquility, progress and prosperity to all Earth humans of present and future generations.
Such an idea comes to the mind of various prominent world thinkers more and more often. For example, the previous leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order in his speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on December 3, 2012. The Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family”.
As a means of defending global peace and justice, the Pope’s vision for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order is supposedly not to create a new superpower, but a new governing body that offers to those (politicians) who are responsible for making decisions, criteria for judgment and practical guidelines: “The proposed body (World Government) would not be a superpower, concentrated in the hands of a few, which would dominate all peoples, exploiting the weakest. … Moral force or moral authority that has the power to influence in accordance with reason that is, a participatory authority, limited by law in its jurisdiction.”
At the same time the Pontific stressed: “It is not, of course, the Church’s duty to suggest – from a juridical and political viewpoint – the practical configuration of such an international arrangement, but she offers to those who are responsible for it those principles for reflection, criteria for judgment, and practical guidelines that can guarantee the anthropological and ethical frame around the common good”.
The Pope was quite correct pronouncing this as the proper description of essence of state started from ancient philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Therefore social engineering of a New World Order is destiny, duty and responsibility primarily of today’s philosophers and thinkers with philosophical view. Keeping in line with these ideas, UNESCO having an ambitious slogan “There can be no UNESCO without philosophy”, put them forward in its “Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 – 2021”, which lately came in force. In her speech in Paris on 29 January 2013, Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova mentioned such important priorities in the Humanity common life:
“Our first strategic objective is to shape the global education agenda. This requires vision, foresight, analysis of trends, and understanding where and why we are falling short.
Our second objective is to foster inclusive, quality and lifelong learning opportunities for all and to promote a sense of global citizenship.
There is wide consensus that the next global education agenda must promote equity and quality content – including to help learners gain solidarity, respect and responsibility for shaping the future”. The Universal Constitution of Earth is composed by true philosophers and has absorbed all advices and recommendations related with the issue. In fact, it is the most advanced Advisory Document designed for being followed by every Inhabitant of the Earth, by all the Humanity as a whole in order to survive, not to be self-destructed and continue its historical motion in Time, Space and Quality on the way to further progress and prosperity.
Accordingly, step by step, one by one, all present national States of the Earth should regard the Universal Earth Constitution as a standard pattern, study it and amend their own national Constitutions correspondingly to join the global inevitable process that occurs within the entire Universe.
WPF President
Igor Kondrashin
Universal STATE of Earth (USE)
Approved by the Constitutional Convention on 07.10.2015
(To be thoroughly studied likely from school time and followed through life by all inhabitants of the Earth)
Conscious of their responsibility before present and future Human generations, animated by the resolve to serve world harmony and prosperity as the vanguard part in a united Humanity, the planetary Community of Earth citizens has adopted, by virtue of their constituent power, this Basic Law. The tellurians in all continents of the planet started to act coordinately and coherently, having the firm determination to achieve unity and concordance in solution of all problems and challenges, which Humanity faces at current and expect at forthcoming Time. This Basic Law is thus valid and obligatory for guidance for the entire Mankind in free and supraliminal self-determination.
The Universal Constitution of Earth is the Supreme law on the Earth for the Humanity – for all inhabitants living on this planet. This Constitution is the first constitution of such kind, and its main articles are recommended as example for amending the constitutions of all national states existing nowadays on Earth.
Its text is based on the Universal IDEOLOGY of the Humanity in the XXI century - TRANSUNIVERSALISM, the Universal DECLARATION of Human DUTIES, the Universal DECLARATION of Human RIGHTS, UNESCO “Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 – 2021” and “Strategy on philosophy”, best appropriate articles of Constitutions of national Earth States, on recommendations, advices and suggestions of the best thinkers of the planet, but most of all – it is founded on the COMMON SENSE.
CHAPTER 1 - Spatio-temporal localization of Humanity in the World
Article 1
Everyone on Earth should definitely realize his place in the World:
World (all conceivable infinite space that can only imagine the human imagination) g our Universe (some part of the World; there are versions that it is not alone) gMetagalaxy (observable part of the Universe) g our Galaxy (the Milky way, include more than 200 billion stars) g our star (the Sun) and all that surrounds it, i.e., the Solar system g our planet (Earth) g Geosphere (Earth's surface – 510 million square km; land takes about a third of surface, the rest is water) g biosphere (organic world of Earth, including vegetation – flora) g zoosphere – fauna (animal world) g humanosphere (Mankind and all that is associated with their activity, including negative) g Noosphere (Humanity and their activity based on reason, wisdom, morality, justice and responsibility).
Article 2
Beside motion (development) in Space, all creatures existent around develop following fundamental laws of Nature in Time and in Quality.
Their development in Time is permanently going from the Past to the Future through the Present with the speed 24 hours per day. The Present can be considered as the summary of the Past. The Future is unpredictable, if it is not properly designed, planned and prepared.
Their development in Quality is permanently going from the Simple to the Complex through the Diversity. On the Earth because of its globe form that limits the space, the development of all is going mainly in Time and in Quality.
CHAPTER 2 - Basic Principles of collective living of the Earth population
The Humanity inherently is individual, but individuals (7 billion people) are dissimilar among themselves and differ: by gender, reason (common sense), morality (conscience), by culture of behavior, education, status rank, social position, by lifestyle, faith and world-view, by religion, welfare, language, race characters, national lifestyle and traditions, health condition, age and character, citizenship and nationality, by ideology and political party affiliation, on kinship, by residence, and other signs up to "rooting" for their football and hockey clubs – fans. There are even clear distinctions by blood group – 4 types.
Most of these differences are natural, some are not antagonistic at all, as by blood group, but many distinctions become so antagonistic that divide and oppose the inhabitants of the Earth, plunging them into confrontation, severe antagonism and even wars. It is for antagonistic traits individuals unite (group) in a communities, associations, organizations, parties, or even into sovereign states with strictly fixed territories, and even in blocks of States. Because of this, arena of warfare acts are mostly local or regional, but the transition of Mankind in an era of globalization, makes conflicts more and more global.
In any case, within Humanity, there are two main life patterns: individualistic and socialistic, wherein the focus of human activity is directed on his own individual goals, interests and rights or on social needs, requirements and duties. Following the first life pattern, as a rule, the oligarchic stratum of people is formed. The second life pattern contributes to the formation of a genuine aristocracy.
Moreover, within the Humanity in general there are two main patterns of formation of consciousness, on which the whole lifestyle of a person is created: individualistic and socialistic. Individualistic consciousness, that historically appeared much earlier, similarly the first - second groups of blood, is an atavism of previous periods of human evolution, in which all human activity is primarily directed towards achieving own individual goals, interests and rights.
Social consciousness, that evolutionary is more modern, similarly the third or the fourth blood groups, is a true characteristic of a contemporary man with a developed mentality and public nature of his life, in which human activities are already more focused on social requirements, needs and duties.
Following the first pattern of lifestyle, rich, oligarchic, dying stratum of people is formed, as a rule. The second type of lifestyle contributes to the formation of a progressive stratum of public men, and ultimately, a genuine aristocracy. Ideally, this issue should be in evolutionary harmony, but that should be nurtured.
On most controversial differences Mankind has learned to find ways of combining and cohabitation. However, on a number of signs, generated in the process of conscience formation, in certain parts of the world there are growing irreconcilable differences and disagreements, leading to various conflicts right up to hostilities and confrontation with casualties. These include conflicts on religious, ethnic and ideological grounds, as well as on world view, territorial and social disagreements, which in the framework of the existing world order it is impossible to overcome, and all of them can provoke war of world level, which directly or indirectly would involve a significant portion of the Earth population, and in our nuclear age it can lead to irreparable catastrophe – the self-destruction of Mankind.
Since XX century wars began to be global (world, total) and involve the entire population and the tension of all moral, military and economic capabilities of States.
First World (global) war engulfed dozens of countries. The losses of the armed forces of all States-participants of this war amounted to about 10 million people. Until now there are no generalized data on losses of the civilian population from the effects of implements of war. Famine and epidemics caused by the war have killed at least 20 million more of innocent victims.
In the Second World (global) war already 72 States (80 % of the Earth population) took part. Military actions were taking place on territories of 40 States. 110 million people were mobilized to the armed forces. Total human losses eventually reached 60 - 65 million people.
The Third World (global) war, if it starts, will be the last one and will put the final point in the Mankind History. Life on Earth will cease.
The real way to overcome these conflicts, avoiding the 3rd World (global) war, is only one – to unite all the Humanity within the framework of a single, strong, well-organized Universal State of Earth constituted by the united, educated citizens of the Earth on unified, genuine universal values with a single, unified system of nurture, education, enlightenment and government.
Article 3
Being an organic part of Earth biosphere, all the living at Present population of the planet, regardless of the above differences, lives under the influence of the Laws of Nature. It composes the single human community of Earth, which members are subdivided according to level of development of their intellect into 3 social statuses:
- Earth Inhabitants
- Earth Citizens
- Earth AristocratsTheir life and health is much dependent of living conditions within biosphere as well as all other living nature of the Earth. The living nature needs an appropriate composition and quality of air, soil and water around – the principle ingredients of precondition of the Life as a whole.
The differences between the above statuses are not the money or wealth, but presence or absence of ignorance, common sense and reason in their mind, ability to think and find solutions, the level of development of their mentality and social activity. Stating these kinds of differences dependent mostly on a person’s upbringing and education, the following status’ descriptions can be defined:
Article 4
Earth Inhabitants – all Human creatures are born as a result of joining of gametes of their father and mother that form a zygote, which in fact, just from the first day of its existence appears as one more new living unit on the planet – Earth inhabitant. The day of uniting two parents’ gametes and formation of a zygote generally is considered on Earth as the day of birth of all living creatures. This rule is to be applicable to the Human beings as well. Consequently in the Certificate of Birth of Human beings – Earth inhabitants exactly this date should be stated together with name, surname, and place (city, town) of being delivered from the mother’s body (womb) after 9 months after birth.
It is supposed that any Human creature – a unique creation of Nature, differs from other living creatures (animals, plants) by the ability to have a human intellect, consciousness and self-awareness. In fact, a living creature is forming his mind, consciousness and self-awareness and becomes the only being in the Nature, capable to think profoundly and be aware of yourself and your actions, only as a result of an extensive process of upbringing and education per human training program. That is why, after antenatal development after his birth (about 9 months), every Human being – Earth inhabitant is to obtain humanitarian upbringing and education from his (her) family, society, state on the way to personalization, socialization and formation in the future of his own family to be adapted to live a normal life and behave appropriately in the society.
Thus, until the end of this educational process, during which occurs the formation of his thinking abilities and self-consciousness, a human being has the lowest, primary social status – Earth inhabitant.
It is supposed that during this educational period each Earth inhabitant should obtain regular school education, which should include literacy, numeracy, citizenry, philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics. Only after passing authoritative exams he (she) becomes a full-fledged, mature, conscious Earth Inhabitant with receipt of a special Earth Inhabitant Certificate of Maturity stating his (her) official social status with indication of his (her) name, surname, date of birth and place of appearing from the mother’s body (womb) after 9 months after birthday.
For the Earth inhabitants their division by priority in their life of one or another life patterns is traced: for some people the individualistic approach in their lifestyle is prevalent - firstly, for themselves, their family, relatives, friends, but for others - a socialistic approach, i.e. for the common good.
That is why after completion of primary (basic) education each Earth Inhabitant is obliged through self-awareness to begin reducing in his lifestyle the share of individualistic approach and increasing share of socialistic pattern, performing more human duties and starting to enjoy human rights. However, until he becomes a certified citizen of the Earth, an Earth inhabitant cannot have any civil rights.
Basic human duties, rights, freedoms and responsibilities are essential to inhabitants of the Earth and should be implemented and enjoyed by each of them from the day when he is aware of their existence.
Article 5
Earth Citizens – they are those Earth Inhabitants, who have passed civil education and have studied the Minimum of civil knowledge, follow it, live an active social life based on this knowledge, i.e., have formed a civil consciousness and self-awareness, teach other Earth Inhabitants and continue civic studies during all their life.
The Minimum of civil knowledge includes:
- Basic philosophical, ethical and aesthetical knowledge;
- "Big History", including the history of religions, theism and secularism, and the modern scientific picture of the World;
- Transuniversalism universal ideology and Universal Constitution of Earth;
- Aristotle’s Table of the types of state (political) governance and modern typical structures of self-management;
- The latest list of «the Fundamental Values and Vices», based on wisdom, reason, morality, justice, and responsibility;
- Basic Duties and Rights of a Man (Human Being) and a Citizen;
- The structure of the world economy, the political and geographical maps of the Earth;
- The healthy and orderly way of life, the evils of the lifestyle and behavior that should be avoided;
- List of today's major global threats and challenges to the Humanity;
- Knowledge of the commonly accepted language of intercommunication (now - international English), ability to use a computer, internet, a mobile phone and other gadgets.After learning the Minimum of civil knowledge, Earth Inhabitants pass special exams and receive official Certificate of their high social status – Earth citizen. Earth citizen Certificate indicates his personal ID number, which is listed in the WORLDWIDE LIST of Citizens of the Earth - http://wpf-unesco.org/id.htm . The same ID number is mentioned in his ID Card of the Citizen of the Earth. Besides he receives a special Ensign of the Citizen of the Earth, which he is supposed to wear when likes to.
For the life of Earth citizens it is more typical the more modern life pattern – socialistic, i.e. for the common good. Individualistic lifestyle is on the second place.
All Earth citizens are united into civil communities of different territorial level – local, regional, continental, planetary (global), which compose appropriate civil societies. The function of these civil communities is to take care of the life and activity of Earth citizens and solve various temporal problems. Their duty is also to keep on the civic education for all during all their life.
Only Earth citizens are granted universal right to elect and be elected into administrative organs of self-governance of all levels – global, state, regional or local.
Earth citizens are obliged to fulfill human and civil duties and enjoy human and civil rights. But their main civil rights and duties – to continue civic education within all their life, to teach civic knowledge other inhabitants, to be civically active and responsible, to take active part in the social life of local community of citizens, to take care about flora and fauna, environment as a whole.
If found guilty and be sentenced by a court as a criminal, the Earth citizen loses his high social status and becomes again only in the status of Earth inhabitant until the end of his punishment; after that he appeals in due way to receive the high social status anew.
It is supposed that Earth citizens should get college or university education.
Article 6
Earth Aristocrats – they are the best Earth Citizens from the best ones – ARISTOS (gr.), the real intellectual and moral elite of the Humanity, whose mentality displays the most perfect forms of consciousness and self-consciousness.
Such Earth Citizens should prove this by demonstrating knowing more deeply Civic knowledge and practicing them in everyday life through constant use of wisdom, reason, morality, justice and responsibility, including global responsibility, and accordingly, obviously opposing, or even fighting against ignorance, injustice, irresponsibility, corruption, double standards, and so on.
The most active and prominent Earth Citizens pass special Appointing commission and receive official Certificate of the top civil status – Earth Aristocrat. Earth Aristocrat Certificate indicates an Aristocrat appropriate ID number, which is listed in the WORLDWIDE LIST of Aristocrats of the Earth – http://wpf-unesco.org/ida.htm. The same ID number is mentioned in the ID Card of the Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI. Besides he receives a special Ensign of the Aristocrat of the Earth, which he is to wear if likes.
It is supposed (likely) that each Earth Aristocrat should have a PhD degree.
In life of Earth Aristocrats the socialistic life pattern is rising above, i.e. all for the common good. The elements of the individualistic lifestyle are barely visible.
Earth Aristocrats ought to be in the leadership of the civil communities of different level – local, regional, continental, planetary (global), and be the vanguard part of civil societies. They are the most wise, reasonable, fair, moral and responsible members of civil societies, having profound and notable conscience and dignity. Like Earth citizens, they are obliged to fulfill human and civil duties and enjoy human and civil rights, to teach civic knowledge other inhabitants and citizens, to work in government bodies, to take care about flora and fauna, environment as a whole.
CHAPTER 3 - Fundamental universal all-time Values and Vices
Article 7
Optimal list of enduring Universal values – profound knowledge, mind (reason), conscience, correctly educated consciousness, genuine truth, wisdom (philosophy), respect, family, friendship, morality (morals), decency, trust, honesty, justice, honor, labor, truth, science, children, parents, judiciousness, civil duties and rights, high culture of behavior, conscientiousness, responsibility (local, regional, national, global), service to society, ability to do good - virtue, thrift, good taste, kindness, compassion, politeness, pride, dignity, charity, benevolence, sincerity, generosity, punctuality, accuracy, courage, bravery, boldness, purposefulness, resoluteness, sacrifice, charity, intelligence, aspiration to perfection, cleanliness (purity), civilization.
The consciousness of each Earth inhabitant and, for sure, of each Earth citizen should absorb as minimum all the above values; his social, public everyday behavior should be based on their principles.
The full list of universal enduring values, known from ancient times, is in Transuniversalism ideology – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top12/truniv.htm and on the website of the World Philosophical Forum – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top5/modvale.htm.
Article 8
Optimal list of Universal vices – barbarism, ignorance, distorted and/or underdeveloped consciousness, banditry, robbery, plundering (including natural resources), terrorism, murder, obscurantism, fascism, extremism in any form, double standards, double understanding of obvious, bribery, the pursuit of luxury, embezzlement of public funds, vandalism, fraud, militarism, debauchery, luxuries, greed, squandering, betrayal, addiction, corruption, alcoholism, lie (deception), capture of hostages and someone else's property (corporate raid), larceny, modern “demagogy”, slander, spite, seducing of children (pedophilia), environment wrecking.
Each Earth inhabitant and, for sure, each Earth citizen should know all the above vices; in his social, public everyday behavior he should oppose, or even fight against any manifestation of this type of vices by himself or by other inhabitants.
The full list of universal vices is in Transuniversalism ideology – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top12/truniv.htm and on the website of the World Philosophical Forum – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top5/modvale.htm.
CHAPTER 4 - Basic universal human and civil Duties and Rights
Whereas human duties have social nature in their basis and according to all philosophical postulates cannot be separated from human rights, and a person cannot have rights without having duties, and only realizing own duties equally with rights it is possible to obtain real freedom, justice and peace on the Earth. Because of this everyone on the planet is entitled to know and observe all his human and civil duties and rights.
The Universal Constitution of Earth shall guarantee the equality of duties, rights and freedoms of an inhabitant (human being) and citizen, regardless of sex, race, nationality, wealth, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, religion, convictions, membership of public associations, and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human and civil duties, rights and freedoms on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned and prosecuted.
Man and woman shall fulfill and enjoy equal duties, rights and freedoms and have equal possibilities to exercise them.
Along with duties of each person there are also responsibilities (from personal to global), and obligations. Therefore to keep away from duties – means, to be extremely irresponsible.
An Earth citizen may exercise his or her duties and rights in full from the age of 18. Article 9
Optimal list of Universal human duties and responsibilities
They are:
- to be and remain during the whole life a thinking man and citizen in the broad sense of these words, and for this purpose to obtain and constantly to replenish and update, at least, the general education, civil knowledge and secular upbringing;
- to be physically healthy, well-mannered, polite and cultural;
- to study universal values, follow them and educate them in others;
- to fight vices in yourself, in surrounding people, and imposed by unfair figures of culture, education and mass media;
- to respect seniors; to honor parents and to look after them; to have a good family, to have and correctly to bring up children;
- to work conscientiously; to keep the neatness and cleanliness of your home, not to litter, to preserve and improve environment, the nature. The main duty of all parents on Earth – to bring up and educate their children on basis of universal values & vices, duties & rights, to take care about them all time.
The main duty of all Earth children – to follow parents’ wise advises, to take care about them all time, especially when they are aged.
Everyone shall be obliged to preserve nature, its flora and fauna, the environment as a whole, carefully treat the natural wealth. The civil rights and duties mainly consist in electing the best, proper co-citizens to the governance (local, regional, continental and global) and control their functioning. If, being elected to some administrative body, the most important duty for the citizen is to fulfill his work properly with conscience and dignity, in the most effective and rational way using his personal wisdom, reason, morality, justice and responsibility, which he should obtain during his civic education.
The full list of universal duties and responsibilities is in Transuniversalism ideology – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top12/truniv.htm, and in the Universal Declaration of Human Duties – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/undhd.htm
Article 10
Optimal list of Universal human and civil rights
They are:
- the right for life; to be a man, human being, Earth inhabitant and a citizen; to have a family, children, to be engaged in their upbringing and education; this helps to keep up human physical existence, to enlarge and multiplicate Mankind;
- the right for own self-education and enlightment throughout the whole life;
- the right for work, for realization of creative abilities, demanded and positively perceived by society;
- the right to elect and to be elected; the right to have respectable leaders;
- the right for privacy; the right to be healthy; the right for a well-deserved rest.But it is only Earth citizens, civically educated and demonstrating proper behavior in social life, who can have a driving license, to be a doctor or a teacher, to work in administrative organs, in mass media or in police since it is connected with the life and well-being of other people.
At the same time the exercise of the rights and freedoms of inhabitant and citizen should not violate the rights and freedoms of other people.
The full list of universal human and civil rights is in Transuniversalism ideology – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/offpap/top12/truniv.htm and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/undhr.htm
CHAPTER 5 - The Earth population universal self-governance principles
Article 11
All the public power on the planet Earth proceeds from the planetary (global) civil society of Earth Citizens. It is them, who by means of wisdom, reason, morality, justice and global responsibility define universal self-government, which can be altered, if necessary, according current circumstances on the Earth.
Article 12
The constituting principle of universal self-government on Earth is proclaimed NOOCRACY, or noocratic centralism – the natural for human beings power of nóos (gr. – reason), which, according to Aristotle’s Table of types of state governance, is the best, TOP one type, i.e. the most advanced democracy. In practice, it is the power of civically well educated people – citizens. It is opposite so called plain democracy – which is the power of mostly ignorant crowd – ochlocracy (gr.- ochlo), open for manipulation from the side of dishonorable politicians.
Therefore, only Citizens of the Earth, civically educated, have the right to participate in the government process performed in public interests for the common good. Human beings with the social status of just Earth inhabitants have no such civil right until they become Earth citizens.
Earth citizens shall exercise their power directly, and also through the bodies of a state administration and local self-government.
The supreme direct expression of the power of the people shall be referenda and free elections being subdivided: a) only for citizens, or – b) for citizens and inhabitants. CHAPTER 6 - General self-governance - Universal STATE of Earth (USE)
Article 13
Being in a critical situation, the global World order on the Earth for the Humanity as a whole for the present Time being will be kept on by the global community of Citizens of the Earth through supranational governing organs (institutions) constituting the Universal (supranational, suprareligious) STATE of Earth (USE) having a federal structure.
Thus, the USE is a social State, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and a progressive development of the Humanity as a whole, and each human being in particular, amelioration of all-around nature, fighting with destructive and regressive forces, ignorance and cruelty leading to self-destruction of the Humanity, all living on the Earth.
The division of functions and powers between the central (federal) and local State organs (institutions) is guided by the principle of giving full scope to the initiative and enthusiasm of the local civil communities through local authorities under the unified leadership of authorities of a higher level (consequently, regional, continental, global).
Article 14
The sovereignty of the USE shall cover the whole territory of Earth. The USE shall ensure the integrity of its territory.
The USE consists of autonomous national and territorial subjects: countries, states, republics, regions and areas – equal subjects of the USE. Each subject may have its own constitution and legislation.
The status of a country, state, republic, region or areas shall be determined by its Constitution or a Charter on condition that they do not contradict the universal values and vices, all-human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior indicated in the present Constitution.
The USE structure is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of the USE authority, the division of subjects of authority and powers between the organs of state power of the USE and organs of state power of subjects of the USE, the equality and self-determination of Earth citizens in the USE. Article 15
The Universal Constitution of Earth and universal USE federal laws shall have supremacy and direct action on the whole territory of the USE.
In relations with USE organs of state authority all the subjects of the USE shall be equal among themselves.
In the USE recognition and guarantees shall be provided for duties, rights and freedoms of inhabitants and citizens according to the universally recognized principles and norms of the present Constitution and USE federal laws.
In the USE guarantees shall be provided for the integrity of all-around economic space, a free flow of information, knowledge, education, goods, services and financial resources, support for competition, and freedom of educational and economic activity.
In the USE recognition and equal protection shall be given to the state, municipal, cooperative, private and other forms of ownership.
Each Citizen according to ancient philosophical postulates is considered as a part of a State. Thus, in our case each Citizen of the Earth as a person shall be considered as a part of the USE.
Flag of USE
CHAPTER 7 - Central (federal) organs of the USE
Universal STATE of Earth (USE) has for the start period of its existence the following constitutional structure that includes listed below supranational administrative organs (institutions):
Article 16
Supreme (supranational, suprareligious) Council of the Humanity (SCH) including Committees of top rank experts and advisers on various question and contents.
The Central USE General Statistic bureau is subordinated directly to the SCH.
SCH function – seeking for solutions of current universal problems on the Earth and determination of security, prosperity and further progress of the Humanity as a whole.
SCH works also as the Earth Constitutional updating Council.
Social status of SCH functionaries – top Earth-XXI Aristocrats, best out of the best thinkers of the Earth.
SCH work shall be defined by its Charter, which will be worked out and approved by the Constitutional Convention, and becomes an integral part of the present Constitution.
The Supreme (supranational, suprareligious) Council of the Humanity (SCH) is the top intellectual power on the Earth consisting of the most prominent, practically top rank representative of the Humanity regarding reason, wisdom, morality, justice and global responsibility, showing the most developed consciousness and self-consciousness. Therefore all of them in fact can be considered with sure as the "Conscience of the planet". All of them should be in reality this kind of human being.
At the same time it is necessary always to remember Plato's principle recommendation for such cases that on the top of state governance there should be always a philosopher or philosophically thinking people, as only this kind of people can take the most reasonable decisions. And namely this kind of people should be in the SCH, who from the very beginning would start thinking and take reasonable decisions on current problems and future development of the Humanity as a whole.
The SCH, as USE top administrative organ, takes final decisions on solution of most grave current problems and challenges that Humanity faces as well as final recommendations for other USE organs in ameliorating of global statistics figures.
The SCH each year approves final texts and amendments to the three very important for all-Humanity documents, fixing certain general figure parameters on economical, demographical, educational and environmental issues, namely: 1) Yearly “Plan of USE activity” for the next year.
2) Strategic plan of “General development of Humanity and Earth’s biosphere” for the next 5 years, targeting better figures of the global statistics.
3) “USE Medium-term Strategy of Humanity and Earth’s biosphere development” for the next 10 years. The SCH also supervises “USE Long-term Strategy on development of Humanity, Earth surface, flora and fauna for next 10 - 25 years”, mentioning goals in improved figures of the global statistics.
In some very urgent important cases for Humanity existence, survival or stability the SCH may issue special alarming SCH decrees, which shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the whole territory of the planet.
All SCH decrees shall not contradict to the articles of the present Earth Constitution and later be formally approved by the Earth Parliament. Article 17
Earth Parliament
Its function – Lawmaking;
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats.
Its work shall be defined by its Charter, which will be worked out and approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity, and becomes an integral part of the present Constitution.
The Earth Parliament shall be the representative and legislative body of the USE for adopting USE laws. The power to initiate legislation shall belong to the SCH and all state organs of the USE on issues in their authority. Liable to obligatory consideration by the Earth Parliament shall be the USE laws on the following issues:
a) USE federal budget;
b) USE federal taxes and dues;
c) financial, currency, credit, quotas regulation, and money issue;
d) ratification and denunciation of treaties and agreements of the USE with countries, states, territories, regions or areas; Adopted by the Earth Parliament USE laws shall be submitted during five working days to the SCH for signing and making it public.
The heads of Earth Parliament should be members of the SCH. Article 18
Earth Government
Its functions - administrative, executive, directed towards an equal distribution on the planet of the best alternatives of respectable life for people and commonly accepted behavior in society through unified system of nurture, education and enlightenment, on removing impediments to this process, as well as to the solution of current problems of social life.
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats Earth Government work will be defined by its Charter, which will be worked out and approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity, and becomes an integral part of the present Constitution.
The executive administrative power in the USE shall be exercised by the Earth Government according to the Universal Constitution of Earth, the USE laws and SCH decrees that should be guidelines of the Earth Government activities and organization of its work.
Earth Government shall:
a) Consider and find or propose the ways to secure, improve and make it more prosperous the life on Earth of the Humanity as a whole, and each Earth Inhabitant, in particular.
This should be confirmed by regular global and local statistics open for everyone's observation and information.
b) Submit to Earth Parliament annual reports on the results of its own work to improve the statistic figures of the social life globally, and on the most lagging Earth territories, including economical, demographical, educational, environmental, and other parameters.
c) Develop and submit to Earth Parliament USE budgets and provide their implementation as well as submit to Earth Parliament reports on implementation of previous USE budgets;
d) Ensure implementation in the USE of a single, unified economic, financial, credit and monetary policy, climate and nature control and amelioration;
e) Ensure implementation in the USE of a single state policy in the sphere of culture, education, science, bioethics, health protection, social security and ecology;
f) Effectively use the USE property for common good, including natural resources;
g) Implement measures to ensure the rule of law, human and civil duties, rights and freedoms, protection of the state security, public order, and crime control. On the basis and for the sake of implementation of the Universal Earth Constitution, the USE laws, normative decrees of the SCH the Earth Government shall issue decisions and orders and ensures their realization.
The decisions and orders of the Earth Government shall be obligatory for fulfillment on the whole USE territory.
The decisions and orders of the Earth Government, if they are inconsistent with the Universal Earth Constitution, USE laws and SCH decrees may be cancelled by the Supreme Council of the Humanity.
The USE bodies (organs, institutions) of executive power in order to exercise their powers may create their own territorial organs and appoint corresponding officials.
The USE bodies (organs) of executive power by agreement with the bodies of executive power of the USE subjects may transfer to them a part of their powers, if it does not contradict the Universal Earth Constitution and USE laws.
The bodies of executive power of the USE subjects by agreement with the USE bodies (organs) of executive authority may transfer to them the fulfillment of a part of their powers.
The head of the Earth Government should be a member of the SCH.
The Supreme Council of Earth and the Earth Government shall ensure, according to the Universal Earth Constitution, the implementation of the powers of the USE authority in the whole territory of the planet. Article 19
Earth Academy, including the Strategic Research Centre of further development of the biosphere of Earth and Humanity as a whole, Earth Philosophical Forum & Earth Economic Forum.
It has regional branches all over the planet. Its function – Scientific & Strategic researches
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats
Earth Academy work will be defined by its Charter approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity, thus becoming an integral part of the present Constitution.
The head of the Earth Academy should be a member of the SCH. Article 20
Earth Bank
Its function – financing, crediting, emission of the universal Earth Currency - Tero
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats
The universal monetary unit in the USE shall be Tero. Money issue shall be carried out exclusively by the Earth Bank of the USE. Presence and issue of other currencies on the planet shall be allowed, but gradually decreasing and wither away after some time as unnecessary.
The protection and ensuring the stability of Tero in the initial period of issue of the new universal currency shall be a task of the Earth Bank.
Earth Bank work will be defined by its Charter approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity, thus becoming an integral part of the present Constitution.
The head of the Earth Bank should be a member of the SCH. Article 21
Earth Supreme Civil Court coupled with Earth Supreme Tribunal
Their function – Inquest & Justice
It is supposed to have civil courts on regional and local levels.
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats
Justice in the USE shall be administered by courts alone.
The judicial power shall be exercised by means of constitutional, civil, political, administrative and criminal proceedings.
The judicial system of the USE shall be instituted by the Universal Earth Constitution and USE laws. The top of it - the Supreme Court of the Earth that shall be the supreme judicial body for civil, administrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of common courts, shall carry out judicial supervision over their activities according to USE law-envisaged procedural forms and provide explanations on the issues of court proceedings. The most serious political, administrative and criminal cases shall go under proceeding of Earth Supreme Tribunal with a bigger participation of the Earth civil society.
All people shall be equal before the law and court.
The main working principle of all courts is equality before the law and prohibition of discrimination, but happened by a public servant of any level makes any judgment more deep and penalty – more serious. Members of all USE administrative organs shall be criminally liable for unlawful acts performed in the holding of their office or position and classified as serious crimes or other major offences at the time they were committed.
They shall be tried by the Earth Supreme Civil Court (or even Earth Supreme Tribunal), which shall be bound by certain definition of serious crimes and other major offences and appropriate determination of penalties.
War crimes, crimes against Humanity and Earth biosphere are considered the most serious crimes and are investigated only by Earth Supreme Tribunal. Earth Supreme Civil Court as well as Earth Supreme Tribunal work will be defined by their Charter approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity, thus becoming an integral part of the present Constitution.
No one may make an attempt to usurp power in the USE. Seizure of power or usurping USE authority organ shall be prosecuted by the Supreme Tribunal.
The heads of the Supreme Civil Court of Earth and Earth Supreme Tribunal should be members of the SCH. Article 22
Universal educational system on the planet
Its function – upbringing, education and enlightment of all the population of Earth during all life providing people with the most updated scientific and useful knowledge.
Social status of chief functionaries - Earth-XXI Aristocrats Global educational system on Earth should be unified and uniform and cover Preschool, primary, civic, secondary, vocational and higher education guaranteeing civil, scientific, technical and professional education to all Earth inhabitants.
Unified educational programs and their content should be supervised directly by the Supreme Council of the Humanity.
The primary goal of education is to achieve global unity from local diversity by way of formation of a unified all over the planet social consciousness and self- consciousness of high level through studies of transuniversality”.
Educational programs are aimed to make constantly educational process more modern and scientific in order to eliminate as much as possible worldwide illiteracy and ignorance, raising the level of mentality development of the Earth supranation as a whole. Article 23
Mass media – public broadcasting system
Its function – true information, news, journalist research and analyses, human education, monitoring and observational.
Social status of editors - Earth-XXI Aristocrats
Social status of journalists - Earth-XXI Citizens
Everyone shall have the right to freely look for, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information by any legal way subject that it will not contradict the universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights. No informational garbage is allowed. Media work will be directed on increase of the level of consciousness and self-consciousness of people from individualistic to social and defined by the Charter of journalists, approved by the Supreme Council of the Humanity. Negative impact on minds of the population and use of the media in the improper and speculative-political purposes is prohibited. Media & infotainment programs and their content should be supervised by the SCH experts.
Article 24
Earth economic system
Its function – self-provision, feeding, to promote the continuous progress of the Earth population.
Earth economy should be state regulated, protected and controlled, have market features, state, cooperative and private, individual nature dependent of its efficiency, productivity and usefulness to civil society, but all of them exist only on condition that they do not contradict the Primary universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, standards of normal human behavior, and do not harm the biosphere and atmosphere of the planet, be that locally or globally.
The system of taxes paid to the USE and other budgets, general principles of taxation and dues in the USE shall be fixed by state laws. CHAPTER 8 - Regional and local self-government of the USE
Article 25
In the USE regional and local self-government shall be recognized and guaranteed. It shall be independent within the limits of its authority. The bodies of regional and local self-government shall not be part of the system of USE authority organs, if otherwise agreed.
The division of subjects of authority and power among the bodies of state power of the USE and the bodies of state power of the subjects of USE shall be fixed by the present Constitution, and special treaties on the delimitation of the subjects of authority and powers.
The state power in the subjects of the USE shall be exercised by the bodies of regional and local authority created by them.
Regional and local self-government in the USE shall ensure the independent solution by the population of the issues of regional and local importance, of possession, use and disposal of regional and municipal property.
Regional and local self-government shall be exercised by regional and local citizens through a referendum, election, and other forms of direct expression of the will of the civil society, through elected and other bodies of regional and local self-government.
Regional and local self-government shall be administered in urban and rural settlements and in other areas with the consideration of the historical and other regional and local traditions. The structure of regional and local self-government bodies shall be determined by their population independently.
Changes in borders of the regions and areas, in which regional and local self-government is administered, shall be made with the consideration of the opinion of the population of the corresponding regional and local areas.
Regional and local self-government bodies shall independently manage regional and municipal property, form, adopt and implement regional and local budgets, introduce regional and local taxes and dues, ensure the protection of public order, and also solve other issues of regional and local importance.
Regional and local self-government bodies may be vested by law with certain USE federal powers and receive the necessary material and financial resources for their implementation. The implementation of the delegated powers shall be controlled by the USE organs.
Regional and local self-government in the USE shall be guaranteed by the right for judicial protection, for a compensation of additional expenses emerging as a result of decisions adopted by USE authority bodies, by a ban on the limitations on the rights of regional and local self-government fixed by the Universal Constitution of Earth and the USE federal laws. CHAPTER 9 - Division of power in the Universal State of Earth
Article 26
The system of state organs (bodies) of federal, regional and local government authority shall be established by the USE federal administration and its subjects independently according to the principles of the constitutional system of the Universal State of Earth and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of federal, regional and local authority fixed by the Universal Constitution of Earth and the federal, regional and local laws.
Within the limits of jurisdiction of the Universal State of Earth and federal powers of the USE on issues under the joint jurisdiction of the USE and USE subjects, the USE bodies of executive authority and the bodies of executive authority of the USE subjects shall make up a single system of executive power of the Universal State of Earth.
Article 27
The jurisdiction of the USE includes:
a) Adoption and amending of the Universal Earth ideology - Transuniversalism, Universal Earth Constitution and USE federal laws, control over their promotion, study and observance;
b) Structure and territories of the USE subjects;
c) Regulation and protection of the duties, rights, responsibilities, obligations and freedoms of man (inhabitant) and citizen;
d) Establishment of the system of USE bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authority, the rules of their organization and activities, formation of USE bodies of state authority;
e) The civic and philosophical education, ethic, aesthetic and bioethics studies, supranational registration and certification of Earth citizens and Earth Aristocrats, fostering and support of their activity; development of global citizenship on the planet;
f) Establishment of the principles of state policy and USE programs in the sphere of state, civil, economic, educational, ecological, social, cultural and national evolvements;
g) Financial, credit, and customs regulation, money issue, the principles of pricing policy; USE economic services, including bank system;
h) USE budget, taxes and dues, funds of federal, regional and local evolvements;
i) USE power systems, nuclear power-engineering, fission materials, federal and regional transport, railways, sea and air transportation, information and communication, outer space activities;
j) Social policy and intersubjects relations; religions, political activities and unrest; criminal situation on territories of the USE;
k) Defense and security; military production; determination of rules of selling and purchasing of weapons, military equipment and other military property; production of poisonous substances, narcotic substances and synthetic chemicals, alcohol and tobaccos, and rules of their use and consumption;
l) Judicial system, procurator's office, criminal, criminal procedure and criminal-executive legislation, amnesty and pardoning, civil, civil procedure and arbitration procedure legislation, legal regulation of intellectual property;
m) Official registration and licensing of all supranational, international, world-range and Earth-range non-commercial and non-governmental organizations (supranational NCOs and NGOs);
n) The USE property and its management;
o) The USE meteorological service, standards, metric system, horometry accounting, geodesy and cartography, names of geographical units, official statistics and accounting;
p) The USE state awards and honorary titles;
q) The USE state service. Article 28
The joint jurisdiction of the USE and its subjects (countries, states, territories, autonomous regions and areas) includes:
a) Providing for the correspondence of constitutions, regional and local laws, charters and other normative legal acts of the USE subjects to the Universal Constitution of Earth and USE federal laws;
b) Observing and protection in the USE subjects of rights, duties, responsibilities and freedoms of man (inhabitant) and citizen; ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public security;
c) The issues of possession, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water, forest, atmosphere and other natural resources;
d) Delimitation of USE subjects’ territories and property;
e) The nature utilization, protection of the nature, space, and the environment and ensuring ecological safety; specially protected natural territories, protection of historical and cultural monuments;
f) General issues of upbringing, education, science, culture, traditions, religions, physical culture and sports;
g) Coordination of issues of health care; protection of the family, maternity, paternity and childhood; social protection, including social security;
h) Carrying out measures against catastrophes, natural calamities, epidemics, elimination of their aftermath;
i) Establishment of common principles of taxation and dues in the subjects of USE;
j) Administrative, administrative procedure, labor, family, housing, land, water, air and forest legislation; legislation on subsoil and environmental protection;
k) Personnel of the judicial and law enforcement agencies; the Bar, notaryship;
l) Protection of traditional living habitat and of traditional way of life of small ethnic communities;
m) Establishment of common principles of organization of the system of bodies of federal state authority, regional and local self-government;
n) Coordination of federal supranational, international and inter-subject governmental, civil, educational, scientific, ecological, economic and cultural relations of the USE subjects. Article 29
Outside the limits of authority and powers of USE on issues under joint jurisdiction of the USE and its subjects, the subjects of USE shall possess full state power.
1. On the issues under the jurisdiction of the USE, constitutional laws and USE federal laws shall be adopted and have direct action in the whole territory of the USE.
2. On the issues under the joint jurisdiction of the USE and its subjects, USE federal laws shall be issued and laws and other normative acts of the USE subjects shall be adopted according to them.
3. Outside the limits of authority of the USE, of the joint jurisdiction of the USE and its subjects, the countries, states, territories, autonomous regions and areas shall exercise their own legal regulation, including the adoption of laws and other normative acts. The laws and other legislative acts of the USE subjects may not contradict the USE federal laws adopted according to the first and second parts of this Article.
In case of a contradiction between a USE federal law and an act issued in the USE subject the USE federal law shall be applied.
In case of a contradiction between a USE federal law and a normative act of a USE subject adopted according to the third part of this Article, the normative legal act of the USE subject shall be applied. CHAPTER 10 - Public supervision and universal control in USE
Article 30
Public supervision and control is effected by any Earth inhabitant or citizen on the basis of local, regional, continental, and planetary (global) statistics open for everybody, being calculated and published by the local, regional, continental, and planetary administrative bodies. Federal statistic is administrated directly by the Supreme Council of the Humanity.
Article 31
Being regularly updated, the data of the statistics give full and appropriate information to the civil society of all levels of human and civil communities about all aspects of social life everywhere, condition of biosphere and efficiency of everyday-work of government bodies on all levels of the society.
Based on this information the members of the communities think and act.
The low or deteriorating figures of the official statistics give the ground to investigate with all state and civil power, with calling mass media, and if necessary, civil tribunal, the reason of low statistics rates, and to dismiss or even prosecute appropriate responsible officials to be substituted afterwards, if found guilty, by new ones, more prominent and capable to improve the situation.
CHAPTER 11 - Existing and forthcoming problems, threats and challenges to the Humanity, Earth biosphere and climate
Article 32
The list of global problems and challenges to the Humanity, to the Earth biosphere and climate system should be defined and updated regularly by the Earth Academy with the assistance of other appropriate USE Administration bodies and institutions, be open and accessible for public knowledge and discussions in mass media, and be mentioned in all the USE plans and Strategies for their solution and/or elimination of negative effects, when they appear.
Article 33
The list of regional and local problems and challenges to the regional population, to local nature, flora and fauna should be defined and updated regularly by the regional or local branch of Earth Academy and appropriate regional or local Administration bodies and institutions, be open and accessible for public knowledge and discussions in mass media, and be mentioned in all USE and regional plans and Strategies for their solution and/or elimination of negative effects, when they appear.
CHAPTER 12 - Stages of realization of the Universal Earth Constitution’s articles and formation of the USE administrative organs
Article 34
The Draft of the UNIVERSAL CONSTITUTION of EARTH is open for discussions and amendments for all Citizens of the Earth until its final approval by the Constitutional Convention. The text is published on World Philosophical Forum website, see link - http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/use/constit.htm
All accepted changes made in the Draft would be traced in the WPF website publication. It is planned that on October 7 – 8, 2015 the final for that period of time text of the UNIVERSAL CONSTITUTION of EARTH will be approved and proclaimed as the USE Statute by the CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION during the 6-th Dialectical Symposium in Athens, Greece - http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/indexe.htm
This date would be considered as the crucial point of the new era in Life of the Humanity on the Earth – the origination of the Universal STATE of Earth (USE).
Article 35
The year 2015 of the XXI century should become a turning positive point in the centuries-old Humanity’s HISTORY!
It presumes the following steps: 1. The formation of Earth-XXI (global) citizenship through the WPF website - http://wpf-unesco.org/id.htm
2. The formation of Earth-XXI (global) Aristocratship through the WPF website - http://wpf-unesco.org/ida.htm
3. When the quantity of Earth citizens will pass the number 100 000, than the UNIVERSAL CONSTITUTION of EARTH will enter in force, and the Transitional period of USE formation would start. How long it will continue, it depends on the activity of Earth inhabitants & citizens and their wish to have a secured and prosperous life on the Earth sooner. Article 36
The Transitional period will start with formation of USE governing organs and institutions by the Earth civil community. Upon their formation official negotiations with international organizations and national governments would start about their integration into the structure and administrative bodies of the Universal STATE of Earth.
It is planned that international organizations will integrate into USE organs and institutions of global governance based on their present activity. National countries and states after signing with the USE special agreements would become integral regional parts (states, provinces, territories) of the USE headed by their state, regional or local administration having at the same time top all-planet civil status – Earth-XXI Aristocrat. National, regional and local legislation would be altered accordingly and fully correspond to the Universal Constitution of Earth and USE federal laws.
CHAPTER 13 - Vital changes in all-Humanity life after USE formation
The following changes vital for the whole Humanity can be expected after the constitution of the Universal STATE of Earth (USE):
Article 37
There would be only one global-wide (universal) supranation on the Earth – Tellurians (Earthmen). The USE upholds the uniformity and dignity of the universal Earth citizens’ civil society. Apart of it, the Earth population would observe cultural nationalities, all equal despite their numbers, for keeping on and developing their national languages, various cultural and family traditions and customs, way of life on condition that they do not contradict the Primary enduring universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior.
The USE upholds and develops a relationship of equality, unity and mutual assistance among all the Earth nationalities. Discrimination against and oppression of any nationality are prohibited; any act, which undermines the humankind unity on ground of nationalities or instigates the Earth population division, is prohibited and prosecuted by the Earth Civil Tribunal.
The USE assists areas inhabited by national minorities of Earth inhabitants in accelerating and updating their educational, economic and cultural development according to the characteristics and level of knowledge achieved by the global civil society.
Article 38
There would be only one political force (party) on the Earth – Citizens of Earth-XXI with a leading role of its intellectual and moral vanguard – Aristocrats of Earth-XXI. These people would be having always only one, the most important for the Humanity task – to keep on the top of the social pyramid at any level (from local to global), i.e. the system of power and structures of self-government, always only people with the highest social consciousness living and operating on the principles of reason, morality, wisdom, justice and responsibility for the common good. Individuals, who do not share these principles, must be outside the structure of the social pyramid of self-government, and being at the bottom of them, to study and master all of the above principles.
The free activity of other political civil forces (parties) is also allowed on condition that they do not contradict the Primary enduring universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior. All civil associations and political parties shall be equal before the law. The creation and activities of public associations, whose aims and actions are aimed at a forced change of the fundamental principles of the constitutional system and at violating the integrity of the USE, at undermining its security and progressive way of its development, ruining biosphere and environment, at setting up armed units, and at instigating social, racial, national and religious strife, shall be prohibited and their activity is to be investigated in the Civil Tribunal.
Article 39
It is expected a strong political and criminal opposition to the constructive and true political force – Earth citizens-XXI – and to their creative program to save and perfect the Earth and Life on it, i.e. the activity that should be popular and supported by all reasonable people existing among the advanced part of the Humanity.
This destructive opposition to the progressive civil activity of noble and reasonable people are individuals with immature, individualistic type of consciousness, namely: ignoramuses, illiterates, ill-minded people with infringed or undeveloped consciousness, political carpet-baggers and swindlers, corrupt people, oligarchs, clericals and marginals of all types, producers, traders and users of weapons of mass destruction, just ordinary weaponry; producers, traders and users of narcotic drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and other criminals.
The only way to fight them – to fight their ignorance: to urge them to study ordinary, obligatory for all human beings on Earth, civil knowledge with passing serious exams.
In case of their civil disobedience or disturbances they would be summoned to a civil tribunal for investigation and possible punishment. Article 40
The USE is a secular state, though ideological diversity shall be recognized, but the most updated, modern, most scientific, universal and progressive, fit for formation of social consciousness would be considered Transuniversalism – secular ideology, which would be recommended Earth inhabitants for universal study.
Any religion or religious associations shall be free for their activity on condition that it does not contradict the Primary enduring universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior. All of them shall be equal before the law and prosecution in the Civil Tribunal. Every person on the Earth shall be guaranteed the freedom of conscience from evil and vices, the freedom of the scientific, secular understanding of the world nature opposite to unscientific ignorance and obscurantism.
At the same time it is guaranteed the freedom of any traditional religion, belief or faith, including the right to profess individually or together with others any traditional religion, or to be just a secularist and profess no religion at all, to worship reason and science. It is allowed to choose, possess and disseminate freely religious and other views, including secular, and act according to them. Article 41
In the USE there would be only one, common for all, supranational language for global civil intercommunication on the Earth. For the time being, according to the current world statistics – now it is the International English. Other languages can exist without any limitation, be studied and used likely as additional ones regionally and locally.
The language for global intercommunication can be changed with the lapse of time, if necessary, by a decision of the USE Authority.
The International English shall be the only state language now on the whole territory of the USE. At the same time countries, states, territories, autonomous region or areas shall have the right to establish their own official languages. In the bodies of regional or local USE authority and regional or local self-government, country institutions they shall be used together with the USE state language. The USE shall guarantee to all of its peoples the right to preserve their native language and to create conditions for study any language of the Earth for everyone.
Article 42
The Primary enduring values on all the Earth from now on should become – wisdom, reason, morality, justice, responsibility (including global responsibility), and bioethics.
The Primary all-time vices on all the Earth from now on would become –ignorance, cruelty, obscurantism, injustice, immorality, irresponsibility, corruption, double standards, double understanding of obvious, lack of culture, and of bioethics. The main duty of all inhabitants and citizens of the Earth is to remember all the above all the time and promote and support everywhere values, while opposing and fighting against vices.
Article 43
The territory of the USE shall include the territories of its subjects: countries, states, territories, autonomous regions and areas, inland waters and territorial sea, the air space over them, etc. The status of each USE subject shall be determined by the Universal Earth Constitution on the basis of appropriate agreement signed between USE and this subject as well as the Constitution or Charter of the USE subject, adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the corresponding subject. The borders between the subjects of the USE may be changed upon their mutual in-between consent, and if necessary, with the assistance of the Earth Government.
Article 44
No closed territorial borders will exist on the planet for Earth Citizens; all planet surface would be formally civilly transparent for them for travel and work; every of them has the right to free travel over the USE territory, choose a place for his stay or residence on condition that they would observe the Primary universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior.
However, for those, who have social status of Earth inhabitant, there can be certain travel and work restrictions stipulated in USE federal, regional or local rules and regulations.
Article 45
In the USE territory it shall not be allowed to establish customs borders, dues or any other barriers or restrictions for a free flow of goods, services, information, education and financial resources. Certain limitations on the transfer of goods and services may be introduced according to the USE federal law only in cases, if it is necessary to ensure security, protect the life and health of people, nature and cultural values, also as a kind of economic support to local population.
Article 46
The USE authorities promote preschool, primary, civil, secondary, vocational and higher education. The State undertakes permanent development of educational process and updating of its content to raise the intellectual, scientific and cultural level of mentality and social consciousness of the whole Earth supranation.
Regular education including civic learning should be compulsory for all Earth inhabitants and free of charge for them.
Vocational and higher education would be free of charge only for Earth citizens in case they would pass the exams. Federal, regional and local authorities modernize systematically educational facilities and use all reasonable efforts to eliminate present worldwide illiteracy and ignorance and provide all kinds of unified education of high quality for the whole Earth population.
Article 47
The USE authorities promote worldwide the system of modern clinics, hospitals, medical centers and pharmacies. Apart of permanent progressing of medical service and assistance, the State develops physical culture and healthy life-style to improve physical fitness and longevity of the whole Earth supranation.
Mass health examination, including medical consultations, visiting public health and sporting centers should be compulsory for all Earth Inhabitants and free of charge for them.
Compulsory health insurance would be free of charge for all Earth citizens, but for Earth inhabitants only under 18 and over 60 years old.
Federal, regional and local authorities modernize systematically all medical facilities as well as health centers, stadiums, swimming pools, fitness clubs and other health facilities in order to provide high quality medical assistance and improve health for the whole Earth population. Article 48
The USE promotes the development of natural sciences and humanities, the dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, encourage achievements in the field of scientific research and the application of technological innovations and inventions in practice.
Academy of the Earth co-ordinates the main directions of scientific activity and contributes to the widespread propagation of the scientific research results, as well as the combination of the scientific research activities with educational process.
All scientific activities should be directed only to peaceful purposes, to facilitate the life of Mankind in the era of natural disasters on the planet and challenges that come from outer space.
Article 49
Within the framework of approved by the Supreme Council of Humanity strategic plan of " USE Medium-term Strategy of Humanity and Earth’s biosphere development" for the next 5 years, the USE authorities by means of family planning policy, improvement the level of consciousness and self-awareness of the people, regulate the population growth on different continents and on the planet in general, based on process of the demographic, mental, social and economic development of Mankind, the existing reserves of natural resources, environmental capabilities of the Earth, while exercising a more even dispersal from densely populated areas to sparsely populated regions and territories preserving for everybody generally accepted lifestyle.
The success of this work depends largely on the effectiveness of measures to align the upper bracket of the level of development of universal mentality, social consciousness and self-consciousness of Earth inhabitants.
For that purpose the USE authorities contribute to the development of art and literature, perfect the work of mass media, libraries, museums, cultural, leisure and recreation centers and other cultural sites, encourage mass cultural events aimed at the development of aggregate mentality and improvement of the health of the planet population.
Article 50
As the human being is a social being, it is natural for him to have regular social communication, contacts and relations. For all citizens it comes as supranatural common practice to meet at certain civil assemblies or conferences of all levels (local, regional, continental, or even, global) to exchange of views and discuss current appropriate issues or problems and ways of their solution in the public interest for the common good, the efficiency of civil servants’ activity of appropriate administrative organs in these questions.
Any inhibition of such discussions or even criticism from administrative bodies is not admissible, and their representative should participate in such discussions and follow commonly accepted decisions and recommendations of civil society, the sovereign power in the society, to managing administrative bodies – the structures that are in the service to the civil society staffed with temporarily hired functionaries.
Article 51
All natural resources, surface, atmosphere and biosphere of the Earth are considered as property of the Humanity as a whole, and their rational use and exploitation can be performed only with all ecological care in the whole Humanity interests and for the common good while observing the global biosphere and climate conditions changes, and preventing the deterioration regional and even local living conditions of human beings, animals and plants.
Natural resources cannot be used in purposes to enrich oligarchs or their families. Appropriation or harmful extraction of natural resources (coyoting), any damage by whatever means to landscape, places of living of wild animals and plants by any state or public organization, commercial company or even by an individual must be banned, and all known cases be investigated and prosecuted.
Natural resources development can be received from the state on agreed leasehold terms and conditions by private, cooperative or municipal companies or organizations on a strictly limited period of time only for the rational use or exploitation, while the site should be ameliorated all around that should be mentioned in the terms of the agreement and monitored regularly.
Article 52
Secularism, as well as all known religions, faiths and beliefs are free for everyone to follow as well as all philosophical, ideological and religious views would be respected on conditions that they do not adversely affect the social consciousness and the self-consciousness of the people as well as contradict the Primary enduring universal values and vices, human and civil duties and rights, and standards of normal human behavior.
The domination or discrimination of secular behavior, or any traditional religion or faith would not be favored. Secular and scientific philosophical ideas would be considered as the most modern and practical as contrasted to ignorance, illiteracy and obscurantism.
Article 53
Procedure rules of birthday registration of a human being in the USE would be unified and similar to those, which now exist in Eastern countries of our planet, i.e. from the day of formation of a zygote. Due to this any act of abortion will be considered as a killing of a human creature, i.e. as an act of crime.
East Asian age reckoning is a concept and practice that originated in China and is widely used by other cultures in East Asia. Birth registration of a newborn outside the mother's womb is fixed after some time after leaving the mother's womb and is recorded as one year old.
Article 54
In the USE there will not be a special city considered as the Capital in the conventional sense of this term; virtual Capital will be rotating over various cities on all the continents of the planet.
Most of the USE administrative organs will be working in the most modern mode – on-line, using mostly internet as communication facilities. Any city or town of the Earth is free to invite and welcome USE top authorities for discussions local, regional and global problems and issues.
Article 55
On Earth there would be put into circulation a new universal currency – tero. For its emissions a new Bank will be responsible – Bank of Earth, working on new banking principles, based on the new universal values – reason, morality and justice.
Other currencies still will exist for some time during the transition period, but eventually will be released from circulation as unnecessary.
Article 56
Production, sales and use of weapons, military equipment (first of all, of weapons of mass destruction) and of narcotic drugs & synthetic chemicals as well as causing pollution of the environment will be prohibited and considered criminal all over the planet; all cases of this kind are to be investigated and prosecuted at the Earth Supreme Tribunal.
The use and exploitation of natural recourses, other acts of worsening environment in a way that deteriorates the Earth’s biosphere, climate and living natural conditions at any place on the planet are equal in their devastating results to acts of war or terrorism and are to be investigated and prosecuted at the Earth Supreme Tribunal.
Article 57
Any social or civil disputes or conflicts should be settled amicably through reasonable and wise discussions and negotiations from the standpoint of high morality and justice; if agreement is not reached, the solution is sought in a civil court of a corresponding level.
All military conflicts and clashes in the USE should be considered as acts of a civil war and stopped by the global civil society. All such cases are to be investigated and prosecuted at the Earth Supreme Tribunal.
Article 58
Unfulfilled promises of politicians to make inhabitants’ and/or citizens’ life better can be regarded as cheating and severely prosecuted by the Tribunal of any level.
The most used punishment of the court for all criminals would be forfeit of high social status of Citizen of the Earth (if he has), deep civil knowledge studies and education, and productive work in the public interest.
Otherwise long term open demonstration in the transparent glass cage of the Tribunal prison would be practiced for edification.
The death penalty would be out of use except special cases on Tribunal decision. Article 59
Any individual, who made any criminal act and was found guilty by a court or by a tribunal, will not be considered guilty alone. All court (or tribunal) investigations should name the circumstances, reasons and consequences and finally people that brought the individual to this criminal act, who took possession of his consciousness and made it distorted.
They can be his parents, teachers, educators, theologians, mass media, cinema makers, TV, the system of education or even governance as a whole (local, regional, state or even universal – global).
After each court (or tribunal) case there should be a particular decision in regard of a third, circuitous party to blame it in order to avoid, not to repeat the criminal act of this kind anew.
Article 60
The Universal Constitution of Earth shall have the supreme juridical force, direct action and shall be used on the whole territory of the planet. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the USE shall not contradict the Earth Constitution.
All laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be used or practiced. Any normative legal acts concerning human and civil duties, rights and freedoms may not be used, if they are not officially published for general knowledge.
All USE administrative organs of all levels, public organizations, all enterprises and institutions must abide by the regulations of the present Constitution and other laws affiliated with its content.
No organization, association or individual is privileged to be beyond the Constitution or other laws. No laws, administrative or local regulations may contravene the Constitution. All acts in violation of the Constitution or other laws are to be investigated and prosecuted.
The bodies of state authority, the bodies of regional or local self-government, officials, inhabitants and citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Universal Constitution of Earth and laws describing universally-recognized norms of human and civil social behavior. Article 61
The Universal Constitution of Earth shall come into force from the Day, when the official statistic number of Earth-XXI Citizen, fixed on the World Philosophical Forum website - http://wpf-unesco.org/id.htm , will reach the number 100 000 persons.
Since that date the establishment, formation, and work of USE organs (bodies) can start in due way. Until then, the preparatory work for establishment and formation of USE organs can go on only on a voluntary bases by Earth citizens’ global society in cooperation with the World Philosophical Forum.
CHAPTER 14 - The Universal Constitution of Earth updating procedure
The text of the Universal Constitution of Earth never can be final or optimal. Life every day brings new circumstances, problems and challenges. They should be traced in the Constitution text. Some USE organs’ structures or work procedures also can be added or optimized, or changed.
For these purposes certain proposals on amendments and review of the provisions of the Universal Constitution of Earth may be submitted by the USE administrative organs as well as by legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the USE to be discussed and voted in the Earth parliament. All amendments to the Constitution adopted by the Earth Parliament can come into force after being signed by the Supreme Council of the Humanity and considered as approved.
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The text of the present Constitution is intended for knowledge and use by all Earth inhabitants. It is written for understanding by individuals with intellect of average level. Thus, it serves also as a self-test for intellect level. If this text is difficult for your understanding, your intellect’s level is below the average and you should continue your studies. Unfortunately, estimation shows that a majority of Earth inhabitants has such level of intellect. Universal educational system of USE should improve it for better, and this is the main task of formation and functioning of the Universal State of Earth, and Your personal task as well.
Everyone on the Earth, who has a sense of reason, morality and global responsibility, would not deny that situation on the planet deteriorates with every passing month bringing the Humanity closer and closer to a world-wide catastrophe. World order becomes more and more without a proper order or with the worst variant of “order”. Within the present world disorder of about 200 mostly militarized sovereign nations, people learn nationalism, fear, competition, and disharmony.
Even Pope Francis in one of his late addresses pointed out that idol for most peoples on the planet more and more became money but not happiness of each other, and this causes the all-around evil including the danger of World War III.
Atomic Scientists, who made the decision in consultation with its board, which includes 19 Nobel Laureates, say Earth is now closer to human-caused doomsday (only 3 minutes are left till the midnight) than it has been in more than 30 years because of global warming and nuclear weaponry. This is about doomsday; this is about the end of civilization as we know it.
The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon. Today, unchecked climate change and a nuclear arms race resulting from modernization of huge arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued further existence of Humanity. And present world leaders have failed to act with the speed or on the scale required to protect Earth inhabitants from potential catastrophe. These failures of today's global leadership endanger every person on Earth. Luck of the world leaders is that most inhabitants on the Earth because of low intelligence are unable to understand the danger of what is happening on the planet, and are unable to organize themselves into a single intelligent Humanity. Otherwise, most of them would already be in jail.
The main reason of the observable global deterioration is well known – it is the degradation of the average human mentality and the prevalence of individualistic consciousness over the social one, which reflects in increase of individuals’ ignorance and lack in their minds of compulsory human, philosophical, and civil “ordinary” knowledge.
This degradation of human mentality and the distorted universal consciousness raise the necessity to innovate and unify the concept, content, sense and the purpose of education on the planet according to the global era. To form the new human being with a global vision and social consciousness it is necessary to implement a more sophisticated Universal Upbringing and Education on the Earth. If you wish to have sooner a secured and prosperous life for yourself and your family, governed by the most profound and wise thinkers of the planet – just, moral ad responsible – right now, you have only one thing to do – to hasten the constituting of the Universal State of Earth. This can be done sooner, if you join the global community of Earth-XXI citizens becoming Earth citizen yourself and organizing Earth citizens’ civil community locally nearby around.
You can do it easily on line through World Philosophical Forum website. Just submit your application at - http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/socr-sch/wcznrq.htm Ideally all 7 billon Earth inhabitants are to become Earth citizens except those ones with developing (children until they leave the school) or undeveloped mind (ignorant, uneducated people), or mentally ill individuals with distorted consciousness (criminals sentenced by the court). All other are to become…. Let it be 5 billion only, but quite enough to organize perfect life on the Earth for normal people.
There is no other way for everybody to do or to go; the only alternative is self-destruction of the Humanity through “nuclear winter” with minus 50 degrees Celsius all over the planet for dozens of years, or somehow else more terrible. All that means the end of Life on the Earth. This sounds seriously and can happen now at any current moment. The Humanity technologically is fit for that and this can happen at any hour in the absence of mass global civil society. The Third World War is very near to start. It is a pity, but most of Earth inhabitants because of their individualistic consciousness even don’t think about this, as if their mentality is still as if in the XVII century, or even earlier.
To avoid it, it is necessary to raise the common level of the Humanity’s mentality and universal consciousness up to the requirement of XXI century; and it can be done only by means of civic education for all. Only then Humanity can feel relatively secured.
Some of them still hope that after the death, even terrible, they will get to Paradise. For their information the biggest specialist on the Universe structure, British cosmologist Steven Hawking testified that until now the best scientists with all their modern equipment couldn’t locate any place in the Universe that could be considered as a Paradise. Therefore he advised all Earth inhabitants to enjoy happy and healthy life on the Earth while alive. Thus, the historic fate of the planet is now in the hands of the most vanguard and responsible part of the Humanity – Earth citizens, the maturity of their civil consciousness, their practical activity. The hands of doomsday watch should start to go backward further and further from the doomsday.
“To be or… not to be? – this is the question…” – William Shakespeare. v v v
Created in 2014 - 2015 by:
© the Drafting Committee of the World Philosophical Forum
GREECE, Athens
E-mail: wphforum@gmail.com
All rights reserved © wpf-unesco.org