Problems, with which the planetary society is increasingly confronting in the XXI century, have more and more global nature and therefore can be solved only by joint global efforts. This requires a fresh critical thinking free from aging dogmas. Mankind needs a renewal of universal values and principles of behavior, which means the way of life as a whole, in the light of existing and forthcoming scientific knowledge. Thus the ideas of "neohumanism", which
were considered as the newest until recently, require further extension and development, because even they are unable to show the way to the Humanity out of social cataclysms that take place on Earth right now and those that are coming.
In view of this, the planetary community needs an ideology capable not only to unite all diverse and motley Humanity, but also to give specific recommendations, guidance and advice, which would allow to solve everywhere immediately all the complex
of the problems, contradictions and disagreements accumulated by Mankind that are becoming more and more dangerous, and in some way even having aggressive features, which can bring to unpredictable, most tragic and irreversible consequences.
We remind that an IDEOLOGY is
a systematic set of ideas, principles and beliefs allowing an individual or a
community of people to be navigated somehow in the world around, to interpret
events occurring in it, to define for themselves the meaning of life, and also
serving as motivation for their deeds, and daily behavior as a whole. With the
help of ideology a certain ideal image of a society is created, which communities of people,
preaching this ideology, or a state as a whole, or a
political union of states, are trying to constitute. It can be a guide in
their individual and/or collective way of life, formulating principles of
social coexistence, in the upbringing, educational and enlightenmental spheres,
in their current political and economic activity.
Thus, the ideology
– it is an ideal, but real preimage,
vision, target for people how to live together, and
the Constitution – is the drawings, instructions of such a cohabitation.
Therefore, without any ideology the Constitution is empty, there is no
ideal in it, to which it is necessary to aspire. On the other hand,
since the world doesn't stand still, but changes all the time towards progress,
is improving, then the ideal of living together in the ideology
should be updated regularly and be improved, i.e. the ideology should
change for the better, and the Constitution has to be changed together with it as well.
Where the Constitution does not change in this way for a long time, dogmatism
and regress is observed.
Without a normal ideology
any person or a community lose their spiritual and ideological base, which immediately
is seized by spiritual and ideological surrogates, leading eventually such a person,
or a community to degradation and regress, and at the same
time, to the ideological conflicts, confrontation, hostility. Only a normal
ideology calls for upbringing, education and enlightenment, for it is strong by the power
of its knowledge, principles and values. Only a better life for ALL in this
community, ability to solve current and impending problems
of a joint coexistence can serve as the proof of necessity to follow its ideas
and principles.
However if in the past, conflicts of any kind
had local, practically regional character, harmless for mankind and the planet as a whole, then now,
in the XXI century the technological progress has reached such a level of development,
when one group of people is able to destroy not only any other group of
people, but the whole of humanity, and even the Earth's biosphere.
Due to this, ideological confrontation and antagonism
became not only very dangerous, but also unacceptable because it
conceals in itself the threat of self-destruction of the Mankind, of all living
on the planet Earth. That is why in the XXI century it became needed a unified
for all Humankind, the most advanced ideology, the only one and
such that can unite all people on Earth and provide their living together in peace and
harmony. It should manifest a rational generalization of the greatest
number of historically justified reasonable doctrines of Humanity, combining in itself
all rational, reasonable and the most advanced and perspective.
In today's world there are
many ideological aims, idea concepts and various beliefs that create almost
insurmountable obstacle to the unity of mankind. People, mostly ignorant due to
lack of knowledge, as a rule, preach some of them, being blindly sure in
its truth, and, therefore, that they are right. Many of
antique ideas and traditions that mankind inherited and by
inertia it continues to follow, do not correspond anymore to the current
realities and future requirements. All of them, in fact, are separating,
rather than uniting people on the planet. Therefore, fresh, modern
ideas are in urgent need, so that on their basis to unite shortly the planetary
community, in which globally oriented trends of joint development have become
recently more and more apparent.
Until now, Humanity does not
possess yet a universally recognized criterion of truth, allowing
people to determine which of the ideological concepts or beliefs is the truest,
the best, which of them they should follow themselves together with all the mankind
as a whole. But such a criterion exists; it was elaborated long ago over many
millennia by the most intelligent representatives of the human race. These are
the assessments and recommendations of the classical thinkers and philosophers –
representatives of the scientific philosophy. These representatives
have names, and in their teachings there are specific ideological tenets and
There is only one problem –
due to ignorance and lack of proper education of the majority of mankind their
counsels nobody reads, does not study, and hence doesn't use them in
their everyday life. Ideological swindlers use this opportunity imposing,
inspiring their own, far from the truth ideological surrogates, deducing from
them corresponding principles and manuals on the manner of behavior and even
lifestyle, thereby shattering the ideological field of public consciousness of
mankind. All this leads to the alienation of people, often to their mutual
hostility and destruction of ideological opponents through wars and confrontation
in all aspects of life.
Exactly such ideologists
are interested in ignorance of people; it is them, who do their utmost to
delete from the upbringing and education the knowledge and guidance of scientific
philosophy by not being studied. A typical example
of such an obscuration of mass consciousness can serve the ban by the Byzantine
Emperor Justinian I in 529 to study ideas of classical philosophy of ancient
Greece, which plunged the European peoples into gloom for centuries.
His Edict nobody has cancelled yet so far.
This is why Transuniversalism
represent the most modern, generalizing universal ideological concept
that incorporates the most progressive reasonable ideas, time-tested
traditional principles and proven by experience natural-science and
philosophical views, thus becoming the next ideological step up of
human consciousness both, in relation to such modern ideological trends as neohumanism,
transhumanism and secularism (good breeding, laïcité),
and with respect to all the variety of traditional religions
and non-religious beliefs, having derived using critical thinking all the bestout of them.
means – covering long distances, in our case – planetary.
"Universalism" means versatility, universality
in knowledge, information.
As it is known, Humanism
lately has been transforming the modern world. With time, the term “Neo-Humanism”
was introduced to denote a daring new approach for dealing with common problems.
Neo-Humanist ideas and values express renewed confidence in the ability of human beings to solve the
problems we encounter and to conquer uncharted frontiers.
Thanks to “Neo-Humanism” for the first time
in history our planetary community
has got the opportunity to peacefully and cooperatively resolve any differences
that we may have. The term "community" has become widely used because
of the emergence on the planet planetary, global consciousness and the
widespread recognition of our interdependence. The worldwide Internet has made
communication virtually instantaneous, so that whatever happens to anyone
anywhere on the planet may affect everyone everywhere.
While most decisions that concern human beings
are made by them on the local or national level, some issues may transcend
these jurisdictions. These include emergency concerns such as regional wars and
gross violations of human rights as well as more stable developments such as
new ideas in science, ethics, and philosophy. Of special significance today is
the fact that we inhabit a common planetary environment. In this context,
activities in any one country may spill over to others, such as resource
depletion and the pollution of the atmosphere and waterways. Of particular
concern is the phenomenon of global warming, affecting everyone on the planet.
Similarly, the possible outbreak of an epidemic or plague (such as the swine
flu, tuberculosis, and wide-reaching malaria) can have global consequences.
Here it is vital to coordinate activities for the distribution of vaccines,
application of common quarantine policies, and so forth.
Increasingly, many other issues are of concern
to the planetary community and may require cooperative action, such as the
preservation of unique species and ecosystems, prevention of excessive fishing
on the high seas, management of economic recessions, development of new
technologies with their promise for humankind, amelioration of poverty and
hunger, reduction of great disparities in wealth, seizing the opportunities to
reduce illiteracy, addressing the need for capital investments or technical
assistance in rural areas and depressed urban centers, and providing for public
sanitation systems and fresh water.
According to
neohumanistic principles science and technology should
be used for the service of humanity. Following this way, it is
necessary to revise regularly human values and modify behavior in the light of
these findings. In the rapidly changing world, fresh, progressive thinking is
required to move civilization forward in order to reconstruct archaic
traditions and relationship to make happiness and well-being available for
every person interested in realizing the decent life for self and
It is also known that
in the world todaythere are various forms of religious belief. Many of
these (though surely not all) stand in the way of human progress. Therefore, the aim of
neo-humanism was to provide an agenda for those who are skeptical of the traditional forms
of religious belief, yet maintain that there is a critical need to bring
together the varieties of belief and unbelief and provide a positive outlook
for the benefit of all the planetary community.
Believers include all of
the major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism,
Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and some forms of Buddhism, etc.) and
also the many denominations within each. It is estimated that there are 4200
religions or faith groups, ranging from dogmatic extremists, who are certain
that they are right, to religious liberals, who are receptive to new ideas and
dialogue. Where creeds are deeply entrenched, rooted in faith and tradition, it
may be difficult to reconcile differences. Historically, believers have often
attempted to suppress dissent and persecute heretics. The conflicts between
Protestants and Roman Catholics, Sunni and Shiites, Hindus and Muslims, continuing
to this day, have at times erupted into violence and military confrontation.
At the other end of the spectrum of unbelief
stand the community of
religious dissenters that includes not only atheists, but secular and religious
humanists, agnostics, skeptics, and even a significant number of
religiously affiliated individuals. The
latter may be only nominal members of their congregations and may infrequently
attend church, temple, or mosque, primarily for social reasons or out of ethnic
loyalty to the faiths of their forbearers, but they do not accept the
traditional creed. Ethnic
identities can be very difficult to overcome, and may linger long after
belief in a given body of doctrine has faded - sometimes for many generations.
Although such individuals may be skeptical about the creed, they may believe
that without religion the moral order of society might collapse.
Religious identity has been
instilled in children, at the earliest ages, so
much so that it may define a person; as such it may be difficult to say that
one is no longer an Irish Roman Catholic, Jewish, or a Greek Orthodox Christian
- even though he or she may reject the religion per se and no longer believe in
its creedal tenets. For religion not only entails a set of beliefs, but a way
of life, a commitment to cultural traditions, and institutionalized moral
practices and rituals. Critics of religion may only focus on its beliefs which
are taken literally, whereas many believers interpret them metaphorically or symbolically,
and judge them functionally for the needs that they appear to satisfy.
Perhaps the strongest
argument for increasing archaism of religions today is that they are irrelevant
to the genuine solution of the problems faced by societies, ALL
people on Earth, i.e. planetary community as a whole. And
it is in the twenty-first century of growing globalization is intolerable, and even more
than dangerous. Their archaism can be reasoned that most religions
are rooted in ancient premodern nomadic or
agricultural cultures that, in many ways, render them no longer applicable to
the urban, industrial, and technological planetary civilization. Age of religions
ends, and they are increasingly moving into the category of atavisms of
universal consciousness.
But even now,
despite increasingly complicated current scene in the world, not enough attention has been
paid to Humanism as an alternative to religion. Humanism
presents a set of principles and values that began during the Renaissance
and came to fruition during the modern era. It marked a turning point from the
medieval concern with the divine order and salvation to an emphasis on this
life here and now, the quest for personal meaning and value, the
decent life and social justice in modern democracies and economies that served
consumer tastes and satisfactions.
Ideals and principles of Transuniversalism
In the worldview Transuniversalism
makes its outlook from the modern scientific picture of the world according
to which we are living on a unique planet Earth, that is a microparticle of infinitely
large formation what is the Universe, on which surface for millions of years of its existence
the biosphere was created inhabited along with other living beings also
by the community of people – mankind.
Within known by us Universe strictly
specified laws of dialectics are in power,
which action certainly and objectively extends to one of myriads of
micro-particles of the Universe - the planet Earth and, respectively, affect
everything that is on its surface as well as in and around it. The laws
in force in the Universe
are being studied mainly by Sciences such as philosophy, physics, astrophysics,
astronomy, and others.
The dialectical development of the Universe
takes place in three hypostasizes – in space, time
and quality, inextricably linked among themselves and being the integral
attributes of material formations.
is isotropic and infinite (¥), and its infinity extends both in breadth,
and in the depth of material formations. About the space infinity of the Universe one
can judge only by the size of our Galaxy, numbering in the Universe as billions,
making in diameter hundred million light years. Even the most powerful modern radio telescopes are
unable yet to detect the boundaries of the Universe. On Earth we usually operate with such
spatial sizes as cm, meter, km, foot, mile, etc. The minimum spatial extent is equal to 1/¥; it can't be seen by any, even the most powerful
electronic microscopes.
Time as the
independent variable of the above specified trinity setting tone to the
forward dialectical development of material formations. Time is infinitely
in the past and endless in the future. In the future
it moves from the past to the present. The present
moment, for example, moves on the Earth at a rate of 24 hours per day. Watch
as a tool of the counting of time it is possible to stop, but nothing can
stop Time itself. Speaking about time within the Universe, one usually
operates time dimensions up to billions of years. On Earth we use such values
as second, minute, hour, day, month, year, etc.
Quality commonly
refers to the functional diversity of
substances and other material entities, which they are allocated in the course of their formation. Quality is not less important for understanding of BEING than
the other two major attributes of matter. Its more thorough study by philosophy
began only relatively recently; therefore for many people it is still unusual
for perception and understanding. However, here it is very important to
understand the main thing: that on the planet Earth, having the form of a sphere,
and therefore its space is limited, unchangeable for billions of years, i.e.
equal to 1, the dialectical development according to a well-known physical formula
of energy occurs generally only in two dialectical hypostasizes - in
space and quality. Thus at an invariable speed of advance
of the actual point in time (the present moment) on its axis (24 hours
per day), the rate of development in quality
because of limitation of the global space of the planet, following physical
laws of the Universe, has to grow and grows exponentially, i.e., social time is
more and more accelerated, this is what we are with you witnesses.
Thus, trying to organize human wellbeing on
Earth, it is necessary to follow all these postulates of the scientific picture
of the world, clearly imagining its features and operating in it the laws of the Cosmos.
The meaning and purpose of human life
There should be no
doubt that every normal man should have a natural desire for the possibility of a
deeper self-conscious, more clearly to understand sense of his life, i.e.
original meaning of his existence from the moment of his birth
until his death, in other words, his life purpose. It really should
be necessary for anyone to assess themselves, analyze their aspirations, to outline
specific goals of his activity so that over time you could sum up life results.
Speaking about the meaning of life
of each person in the broadest understanding, it is easy to assume that,
ideally, it has to coincide with meaning of the life of all mankind,
to flow out of it and to be closely associated with him.
The meaning of life
and the destiny of man as a part of nature are
the historical continuation of the meaning of life of existed and evolved
millions of years before his appearance representatives of the flora and fauna
of the Earth's biosphere. Thus, both the meaning of life, and functional
mission of each person is determined indirectly by the historical movement from the past to
future, from simple to complex, from small to large, and as a result,
to continuous harmonious development, to constant
perfection, providing thereby progress of mankind.
Based on this,the meaning of life of every
mentally healthy person should be considered a meaningful
commitment to continuous positive development, improvement of
both, himself and those individuals, social groups, the environment, on whom
and what his influence and impact can extend. This should be the
constant goal throughout all his life. For someone it seems boring, tedious,
but that is the main vital destination of man.
In order to analyze what a positive
development of each individual is at the present stage of evolution of human
civilization, it is necessary to understand the scheme of each person’s way of life, and also to
determine how he can influence himself the course of his own development,
of the society surrounding him and the Humanity as a whole.
The meaning of life of a person should be distinguished
from sense of life of all the mankind in general. Like to any human
individual, to the whole Humanity the Life is given also only once,
because such unique environmentwhich was set up on Earth hardly can be
repeated somewhere else (about other planets filled with Life in the
Universe it isn't known so far, we are lonely in it yet). And the conditions
are really unique: everything - temperature, and magnetic, and spatial, and
the availability on Earth of all elements of the periodic table of Mendeleyev,
and the optimal flow of energy from the Sun, and the
optimal annual cycle of oscillations of Earth's axis, creating a unique
climate cycle, and the optimal speed of rotation
of the Earth around its axis, providing regular change of day and night,
and the composition of the atmosphere, and the sharing of the Earth's surface
between land and ocean, and much, much more.
It is really not so simple
to create similar conditions on other planets
of the Universe. But it is much easier to destroy all that the matter was making
(has created) billions of years on Earth. Just to remember that only, for
example, the use of nuclear weapons (and there is also chemical, and bacteriological
and other types of weapons of mass destruction) can cause such global climate
change on ALL the planet, which will instantly doom to death the whole of humanity,
but rather, and all living creatures on Earth. And the onset of such a planetary
catastrophe with unpredictable consequences can happen at any moment after the
rash application, for example, by some unwise ruler of any state, possessing this
type of weapon, or by fanatic terrorists having captured such weapon. As a result, the
offensive of "nuclear winter" would take place for many years with temperature
on all the surface of the planet - 40, - 50 degrees Celsius. Are all ready to live
in such conditions? And it can happen now at any minute, and the mankind has absolutely
no guarantees that this will not occur.
Therefore, one of the main goals of
the Humanity Life - not to make such inexcusable, fatal mistake and not
self-destruct at least until the beginning of the colonization of the Universe.
Thus, the goals and objectives of Humanity, of each
of his members, and hence the sense of his life for the next decade are as follows:
General -
to survive, not to self-destruct, to continue improving based on the general
laws of nature, to begin colonization (master) on the near-Earth
part of the Universe - the Moon, Mars and other planets, creation of man-made space centers of
General goals are distributed to
specific most actual objectives, the purposes and intentions, including:
1. On the number
of the Earth population – the total number of actually living generation of people has to
comply their ability to self-support themselves totally, all without exception, with
normal living conditions in acceptable accommodation meeting most modern standards,
receiving by all in full modern education and training, sustaining the level of cellular
and informational metabolism, i.e. receiving in sufficient quantities of high-value
food and information.
2. On qualitative composition
of the Earth population – through consistent improvement of genotype of people, their
complete education and training to increase (absolutely and
relatively) the proportion of people of the highest category (men, citizens
of all levels, personalities, intellectuals).
3. On worldview
and belief – with the increasing danger
posed by religious fundamentalism for
the destiny of mankind, thus becoming in the XXI century a historical atavism,
to accelerate to a possible extent the maximum spread among the planet’s
population of the secular education, civic knowledge, and scientific
4. On ideology
– a transition by means of education, training and enlightenment from
the dogmatic-ideological schemes and religious
mythologems prevailing now in the majority of world countries to formation of
the public consciousness on authentically scientific, secular-humanistic ideas
and principles based on the scientific worldview, broad outlook, reason, morality,
justice and accountability by which it is necessary to be guided as in everyday, household life,
and in the formation and functioning of society, of the state, of the global hierarchy
of political forces.
5. On morality
– acceptance by all the inhabitants of the Earth of the unified
standard table of values-vices, updating of all national
legislations on the basis of this valuable-vicious base, adherence to these
principles by all and everywhere.
6. On the biosphere –
preventing further deterioration of Earth ecology, implementation of inventory of planet’s
reserves of fresh water, oxygen, natural and mineral resources, especially
non-renewable (oil, gas, non-ferrous metals and rare-earth elements, etc.),
economical (instead of predatory) their expenditure
so that the remaining reserves will be sufficient to many future generations. There should
be ever-growing use of wind, solar and tidal energy, etc. At the same time
the living generation shouldn't use immorally theTime factor (i.e. their precedence
before the future ones) in the mercenary, selfish purposes and to rob,
leave subsequent generations disadvantaged.
7. On the social order –
taking into account occurring on Earth at the behest of the Time
global processes, to facilitate its organizational execution through formation
of global citizenship, and in the process of its coming-to-be and on its base
– of the new global capable on behalf and in the interests of all the Humanity
as a whole to carry out its progress and harmonious development in full accordance with the Universe
current laws.
These are the main tasks
of Mankind as a whole in the near future, from which nations, states, societies
included in the Humanity, every inhabitant of the planet personally, have to
define their own tasks, but only supranational bodies, having global responsibility for the
preservation of life on Earth, for the development and prosperity of the
Terrestrial civilization, can coordinate these processes, evaluate their
results and to direct them. The time allotted by the Universe to achieve these goals,
inexorably moves forward together with the second hand of watches, but unlike the second
hand the time cannot be stopped. The Cosmos with its laws is the serious phenomenon.
Speaking more simply, the
meaningand the purpose of the human and civil life at the individual level –
to do always good everywhere and always and everywhere
to fight against evil. But to do it correctly and effectively, one must know what
is good and what is evil, and what to do in order their
perception was identical everywhere on the planet for the entire Humanity.
The system of universal values and vices
First of all, it is necessary to unify,
to make the same our ideas about the values and vices, because,
firstly, it will prove standard moral requirements. Secondly, they serve as a normative form of
moral orientation of man in the world translating and actualizing it in the form
of specific regulators. Thirdly, they
contain an assessment of ethics of the phenomena of reality and actions of
people surrounding us from the point of view of their moral significance.
Actions of people have a
quite certain moral importance because they make impact on public life, affect
interests of people, strengthen, on the contrary, undermine the foundations of
the existing order in society, contribute to or counteract social progress.
Considering this social importance
of individual behavior, the society regulates ethics of people’s
conduct through moral relations, imposes to them moral requirements, and
sets before them certain goals. Due to this, behavior becomes a moral value, i.e.:
if an action meets the moral requirements, it represents the good;
if it is contradicting them – the evil.
The list of universal value orientations,
serving as Objectives and motives of behavior, was formed, as it is known,
gradually from century to century throughout all the period of evolutionary process of mankind's
existence along with the development of human consciousness.
Axiological foundations of
world-view and behavior were included already in the ancient biblical texts of
exhortations, where in addition to behavioral
commandments simultaneously in a mandatory order was given the concept of sin,
i.e. expressing certain prohibitions. Already in the philosophical work of the
Roman Emperor-thinker Marcus Aurelius (II century) it is affirmed that moral
values to which it is necessary to aspire, it is - justice, truth, prudence,
courage, devotion to the interests of the state. To the true values, he also
relates generally useful activities, citizenship, which confront such sham, in
his opinion, values, as «approval of the crowd, power, wealth, life full of
Thus, the process of social development
occurred and still occurs through the formation of
summative set of values, as well as perfection of mentality through the
development of thinking skills and deepening of the consciousness of each
person in one of two specified opposite directions: in positive, productive,
useful, i.e. as it should be, and in a vicious, destructive – under other
Value and ethical guidelines
can be designated through a comprehensive
set of universal values and vices, which during historical process
of deepening of the human consciousness became more and more enriched,
supplemented and improved, more and more causing moral motivation of behavior
of people.
Value -
is a philosophical concept designating positive or negative significance of
any object for the subject, as well as normative, prescriptive and evaluative side
of the phenomena of human consciousness. In the first case we deal
with so-called substantive, "object" values.
In the second -
with values "subjective", to which, in particular, moral
values are attributed as well, such as – public utilities, imperatives,
goals and projects, expressed in the form of ideas about good and evil,
just and unfair, the meaning of life and destiny of man, about his ideals and principles.
Vice – contrary to value is a moral,
spiritual defect; everything that is contrary to truth and good;
evil and falsehood, as nature, quality of a person; any moral perversion, distortion;
inclination to harm, to bad life.
Speaking in modern
language, it is possible to say that ideally, the behavior of people
in all aspects of their life activity should be guided by
the correct set of values fixed in the course of upbringing and education
of a person in his individual consciousness.
In the absence of proper upbringing
and education the random set of values is being fixed in the consciousness, which can
differ from the ideal. For this reason, such an individual
may fail in behavioral orientation, and he becomes capable to inadequate
behavior. In other words, his behavior can be
unpredictable, and therefore socially dangerous to society.
Thus, all known vicious deeds
that we observe in everyday life, are motivated primarily by malformed consciousness
of people, as a result of their unproper upbringing
and education, which for this reason becomes underdeveloped or distorted.
The prevailing by today set of universal
"eternal" values and vices of paramount importance, which everyone should
learn by heart and respectively to behave, looks in a certain hierarchical
sequenceas follows:
Universal values
– profound knowledge, mind (reason), conscience, correctly educated consciousness,
genuine truth, wisdom (philosophy), family, friendship, morality (morals), decency, trust,
honesty, justice, honor, labor, truth, science, children, parents,
judiciousness, civil duties and rights, high culture of behavior,
conscientiousness, responsibility (local, regional, national, global), service to
society, ability to do good - virtue, thrift, good taste, kindness, compassion,
politeness, pride, charity, benevolence, sincerity, generosity, punctuality,
accuracy, courage, bravery, boldness, purposefulness, resoluteness, sacrifice,
charity, intelligence, aspiration to perfection, cleanliness (purity),
Along with values
there exist and spoil life to everything around not less "eternal" vices
that should be outlived in yourselves and in other people and to confront them everywhere.
These include:
Universal vices
- barbarism, ignorance, distorted and/or underdeveloped consciousness, banditry, robbery,
plundering (including natural resources), terrorism, murder,
obscurantism, fascism, extremism in any form, double standards, bribery, the
pursuit of luxury, embezzlement of public funds, vandalism, fraud, militarism,
debauchery, luxuries, greed, squandering, betrayal,
addiction, corruption, alcoholism, lie (deception), capture of hostages and
someone else's property (corporate raid), larceny,
modern “demagogy”, slander, spite, seducing of children (pedophilia),
environment wrecking.
It is quite natural that the complete
enumeration of values and vices is much wider, and therefore
the stated lists will be replenished, but at least the study of these lists,
solid fixing them in your mind, following the specified values in everyday life
and uncompromising continuous struggle with these vices, will make life around you,
but in the end, in general on Earth, more secure, prosperous and happy.
Universal Human and Civil duties and rights
From canons of the scientific philosophy it is known that there are no rights without duties and there are no duties
without rights. Duties can be to yourself, to others, and
to society in general. Along with duties of each person there are also
responsibilities (from personal to global), and obligations.
Therefore to keep away from duties – means, to be extremely irresponsible.
During all past centuries the
dominating principle and the ideology of majority in most religions of the world were
human duties and obligations. But in decades more often it is heard
about social human rights and social obligations of the state,
the imbalance of the human rights and duties was created and prevails,
speculation by the notion "human rights" dominates. At the same time,
rights derive from duties, and a person, especially modern,
has a lot of duties. In addition to well-known ten biblical commandments and moral obligations
of Moses, main modern universal duties should be considered as:
- to be and remain during the whole
life a thinking man and citizen in the
broad sense of these words, and for this purpose to obtain and constantly
to replenishand update, at least, the general education, civil knowledge and secular upbringing;
- to be physically healthy, well-mannered, polite and cultural;
- to study universal values, follow them and educate them in others;
- to fight vices in yourself, in surrounding people, and
imposed by unfair figures of culture, education and mass media;
- to respect seniors; to honor parents and to look after them; to have a good family,
to have and correctly to bring up children;
- to work conscientiously; to keep the
neatness and cleanliness of your home, not to litter, to preserve and improve
environment, the nature;
- and others.
The basic universal
human and civil rights are the following:
- the right for life; to be a man and a citizen; to have
a family, children, to be engaged in their education; by this it is achieved
the physical existence, keeping up the number and multiplication of Mankind;
- the right for own upbringing, education and enlightment throughout life;
- the right for work, for realization of creative abilities, demanded and positively perceived by society;
- the right to elect and to be elected; the right to have respectable leaders;
- the right for privacy; the right to be healthy; the right for a well-deserved rest.
- and others.
Thus, each human right
is compulsorily accompanied by no fewer
number of duties. That is all rights have to be accompanied by specific
duties, tied to them. A normal person has to have duties not less than rights,
but even in many times more. It is necessary to learn them all and implement
strictly. Only such a society can reach
its social maturity from the point of view of its public consciousness and count
on further normal development.
Universal System of public self-government
It is known that ancient philosophers, first, Plato
and then, Aristotle, classifying types of government, divided them into two
groups depending on the priority of values in the consciousness
of those, who are in power as rulers (leaders), and all citizens of the state as a whole.
The first group of types of government was attributed to the CORRECT state systems
and looks as follows:
MONARCHY - the power of one person (in its
present, republican form - a presidential rule). It is the state system, at which
a country is ruled (leaded) by one (mono), the most enlightened citizen,
distinguished by his education, good breeding, wisdom, and other outstanding qualities.
ARISTOCRACY - the power
of several persons (in its modern, republican form - parliamentary rule). It is the
state system, at which a country is ruled a certain
most enlightened minority of citizens distinguished from others by their
education, good breeding, rationality and other excellent qualities, i.e. they are
in this society mentally the best, the elite (from Greek - aristos - the best +
kratos - power).
POLITY - in Greek -
πολιτεία - the power of citizens (πολίτες), absolute civil power (corresponds according
to the kratology {the science about the power} to a more modern term>NOOCRACY
{the power of reason} - from Greek - nóos - reason + kratos - power).
The form of public self-government, at which, according to
Aristotle, the most reasonable, educated citizens rule the state in the interests of the
common good; at the same time the highest noble qualities,enlightenment, good
education, civility and intelligence are inherent to most fellow
citizens, but ideally, to the entire community of people.
The fundamental values of the above group of
state systems are reason, positive knowledge, morality, high cultural behaviour,
justice, responsibility at all levels, etc., i.e. those human qualities,
which can be achieved through laborious and comprehensive breeding, education, and
The second group of types of government, which
Aristotle qualified as the DEVIATIONS from the correct types, includes the
following state systems:
TYRANNY - the power
of one person (in its present form – dictatorial rule). The most obvious
and ancient deviation, accompanied by ignorance of civilly uneducated broad
masses, allowing to oppress them by any maniac, tyrant (from Greek. -
tyrannos), to a person who has seized power violently or by deception,
plot, or a cruel ruler carrying out his unreasonable power through violence, the despot.
OLIGARCHY – from Greek oligos - few, not
numerous + arche – power (a kind of oligarchy – kleptocracy – a tendency of
unscrupulous persons, who have get the power, to theft or appropriation
of public property or funds, to personal enrichment, corruption; with development of processes of
globalization and growth in number of multi-national companies -
polyarchy, i.e. TRANS-oligarchic rule).
The deviation close to tyranny,
admissible at relative ignorance or dullness of civilly uneducated and unenlightened
people aimed at consumerism and enrichment, worshiping mammon and allowing to usurp
the power to a small number of immoral individuals who are far from common
interests of people. It is possible also to consider plutocracy
(from Greek plutos - wealth + kratos - strength, power) - the power of a small group of the
wealthy citizens, focused on domination of money, as a kind ofoligarchy.
pseudo-power of ignorant, civilly uneducated, brainwashed peoplebeing manipulated
by means of mass media that is in possession of the tyrants or oligarchs (a kind of democracy:
ochlocracy - mob rule).
The deviation, typical for
low-enlightened people, when imperfect systems of civic upbringing and education are
unable to raise his consciousness and mentality in general to the
desired modern level, to endow him sufficiently with reason
or even intellect to resist obvious injustice
and to change order weakening the state.
In contrast to the real and genuine values
of public administration of the first group of state
systems, in the second one imaginary values mostly prevail such
as money (lucre), property (thirst for money), power (unrestrained lust
for political power), etc. In a correct state system these values
inherently can only be subsidiary, secondary elements in the mechanism (or
tools) of public life and should not dominate.
This can be achieved only
through proper upbringing, education and enlightenment, resulting
in raise of citizens' consciousness to a more appropriate level. In not
correct state systems reason, morality, justice, responsibility
and high culture of behaviour are
intentionally and deliberately sidelined and fade into the background, and to
achieve their goals unscrupulous rulers use such techniques as nationalism,
clericalism, “protection” of human rights (without explanation of status
parameters of humans themselves and a verified list of theirrights),
the system of double standards and reckless freedom. Earlier it
was featured other notions, such as equality and brotherhood
as well, but in recent years nobody speaks seriously about these notions.
As a result, evaluating
forms of government, after Aristotle it is necessary to consider as correct,
the best ones of them only those types of state rule, in which governance,
administrationis concentrated in the hands of the
best on reason, morals, justice and responsibility.
On this basis,
it should be recognized that existing in many States types
of government are obviously "not correct"
as focused on lucre and money-making. Therefore, everywhere it should
be established the only one, unified and the most modern form of public self-government,
NOOCRACY {the power
of reason} – i.e. public democratic self-government, at which thanks
to excellent upbringing, education and enlightenment for ALL citizens
of this country, and ideally – ALL citizens of the Earth, the superior noble qualities and
intelligence are inherent in the vast majority of
fellow citizens; and in self-government institutions of society only the most
reasonable and morally responsible citizens are elected democratically to
govern (rule) in the interests of the common good.
The famous Chinese thinker
Confucius in his percepts asserted 2,5 thousand years ago: "To govern well, it is necessary to foster education in
the people". Or: "… people, who live far away and do not obey,
you can win with the help of education and morality.
If we could win them so, peace would reign among them".
The classical German philosopher Georg Hegel in
his fundamental work "Philosophy of Law"
wrote 200 years ago: "In the state it should not wish anything
that is not an expression of intelligence… Usually first ask
the question, what state system is the best? For this can be given a lot of
answers, the most common is this: each system is good provided that it has a
good governance. So say people who want to pass for smart, but they only evade the question,
back down it. According to them, all state
systems are good, there is no the best among them ... The second answer says:
the best one is that system which satisfies people,
because what you want, more if people are happy, glad …
Satisfaction does not contain any
objective definition, people can be satisfied with the worst, pigs are happy
staying in the mud, and people are
happy, being in the lowest, the shameful state, like someone, who have
steeped in deep shameful superstition ... The best
state system is reasonable ... Usually in advance, proceed from different definitions – the
political system should protect freedom, serve as a
barrier to the tyranny, promote the good of the whole, happiness, and
contentment of the people. From all these considerations is necessary to
be free, and only need to worry about the reasonableness ... then the rest
will come itself, all these secondary objectives will be achieved along the
Thus, NOOCRACY is a democratic self-governance
of only perfectly brought-up, educated and enlightened
FELLOW CITIZENS, and therefore only this type of state system should be used
for the constitution of the Universal State of Earth.
It should be remembered that
reason is the ability of comprehension and understanding of realities
in formation of levels of consciousness; knowing how not only to distinguish true
from false, good from evil, values from vices, but also
to clarify vague concepts, create, enunciate new ones, thereby enriching the
universal knowledge. By the reason Kant meant also human ability to
communicate with the outside world through obligation; the creation of new knowledge,
the ability of formation metaphysical ideas.
Universal humaneness and civicism – their
formation and keeping up
Each individual appears on our planet according to the
laws of nature. The day of his birth should be considered the moment of
connection of the parent cells, i.e. the moment of conception.
After about 9 months of fetal development the individual comes out of his mother
and his autonomous extra uterine development begins. In the Western hemisphere of the
planet unlike the Eastern one the exit of the individual out of
the womb (outside mother’s body) for no reason is considered as the
individual’s birthday and accordingly formally registered. This is essentially
wrong, and therefore any interruption of pregnancy (abortion) is immoral
killing of a human embryo in the womb of his mother, his actual murder and
should be perceived by all as the most serious criminal.
Coming into outside world, the
individual for about 20 years is studying local (traditional) culture of behavior,
general education and formation of worldview in his consciousness (now,
as a rule, in accordance with one of the prevailing in the community religious
myths). Only after that such an individual can be considered a "man, human"
provided that in his mind during this period was impregnates at least some
semblance of reason, morality and justice. If the reason was not designated in his mind,
he somehow became immoral and unjust, commits criminal acts, then he should not have the
status of the human, but rather, he should be considered as non-human (or inhuman).
Nevertheless, after a certain age,
regardless of his human status each individual on the planet receives the
passport of a State formally falling under the legal belonging to this
State; accordingly laws of this State extend on the individual, the relevant
civil rights and duties, and also quite certain responsibility
is assigned.
However, the receipt by the individual
of the passport only formally gives him the status of the citizen.
To become him, the person must obtain the appropriate civil knowledge
that should be taught in the state system of civic education. The Ancient
Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote two and a half thousand years ago:
"Since the state (and, hence,
a hyper-state) as a whole means one ultimate goal, then all its citizens require
one and the same upbringing, the same social studies, and care about this education
should be public, not a private matter, because all citizens are united in one
state, and each of them is a part of that State. And taking care of each part,
naturally, must bear in mind the care about the whole".
At the same time scholarship – is not
erudition, but human ability to think independently and critically, including the ability to track
historical authority and scientific character of sources to replenish his knowledge.
Owing to this, an educated man is resistant to influences of surrogate ideas
and ideologies, as well as mass media, and even the promises of politicians,
because he does not perceive them blindly, and is able to analyze them critically,
defining their truthfulness, scientific character and verity.
Unfortunately, in the vast
majority of States on Earth systems ofcivic education are practically absent.
In relatively good condition civic education exists only in some
countries of the Northern hemisphere (Sweden, Germany, Canada, the USA, etc.)
In many countries of Asia and Africa, even general education doesn't meet the
requirements of ΧΧI century. That is why on Earth there is a huge gap not only
between the overwhelming majority of poor and a handful of super-rich, but also
between educated, well-mannered and enlightened citizens of some countries and ignorant,
unenlightened and badly brought up population of bulk of the planet inhabitants.
On this basis, the United Nations
a few years ago was compelled to put the need for universal civic education
above the fight against poverty and hunger, and UNESCO included
the formation of global citizenship and dissemination of civic education
for ALL throughout life among their top priorities in the “Medium-term
Strategy for 2014 – 2021”.
It is quite natural that the organization
of civic education at the national levelin every state should be engaged by
its first leaders. But they, being mostly civically uneducated themselves, evade
from this their direct duty, because to keep the power, it is more interesting for them
to have civilly uneducated, ignorant population, who are easier to manipulate by
subordinates or purchased mass media. This educational gap in the formation of
consciousness of the population, usually skillfully use clerical institutions
of all stripes, making up the lack of civic education and upbringing by their surrogate
sermons and admonitions, thereby providing even greater dissonance, discord and
disagreement in universal human consciousness, and therefore on the planet still
everywhere there are tense conflicts of varying degrees of killing power,
remains and is becoming more serious danger of another world war, able to self-destruct
all Mankind, and even Life itself on Earth as such.
As for supranational civic education,
then, strictly speaking, it should be done by UNESCO, but for this purpose it has neither
financial, nor political, nor physical capacities and resources. Therefore, the
formation of global citizenship remains a matter of only the most advanced,
active and globally responsible part of the planet population, which is numerically
still very small.
The mechanism of remote civic education,
certification and registration (account) was established on the website of the World
Philosophical Forum - .
For this purpose it is enough only to fill in and send by e-mail the corresponding application
It is quite natural that, in accordance with the laws
of nature, the citizens of all States over Time gradually lose their physical strength, but gain experience, wisdom and knowledge, which they should share with
the youth. Acquiring this knowledge, young people, in turn, are obliged to surround
senior fellow citizens with care and attention. This ensures the continuity of
At the current
level of science and technology many opportunities to improve natural human abilities
have appeared. First of all, it is the increase in the speed of movement,
strengthening of sight and hearing, adjustment of the heart, creating a functionally
active prosthetic limbs, blood vessels, etc.; an artificial heart is close to the realization.
The speed of calculations and solving logical problems has increased most
radically: compared with the capabilities of the brain is increased
by several orders of magnitude.
A number of experts believe that it is possible to
provide people with a longer life, having in due time replaced the organs and tissues
given by nature with more perfect (to turn them into cyborgs – Homo technicus).
Development of new technologies in lifestyle and
medicine gives reason to hope that the lives of the people gradually will be
more comfortable, intelligent and longer. But the basic meaning and purpose
of their life for a long time will remain unchanged.
society of the future which should be built already today
The formation of Universal
global citizenship on Earth in itself is not an end in itself as such.
Although over Time, all the Humanity,
all 7 billion inhabitants of Earth will gradually be involved in this process,
this is just the first stage of formation of the required modern reconstruction
of self-government of Mankind. Thus:
Stage 1. Following UNESCO
"Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 - 2021" the formation globally
of the Universal Earth-XXI Citizenship;
Stage 2. Out of Earth-XXI
Citizens – formation of a new,Universal Earth leadership
(Earth-XXI Aristocrats);
Stage 3. Out of new, Earth-XXI
leaders - to form (to elect) according to Universal
Earth Constitution new organs of Earth-XXI self-administration by means
of establishment of Earth Parliament, the Supreme Council of the Humanity,
Earth Government, Earth Supreme Court, Earth Academy,
Earth Bank, controlling the emission of the single Universal
Earth currency, etc.
All these organs of Earth
self-administration would become ruling and problems-solving institutions of the
single all-planet, supranational State – Universal State of Earth (USE),
actualizing their activity in the interests and for benefit of Earth Citizens,
the Humanity as whole, of all living things on Earth.
To accelerate the reformation
of the world order to a more modern and secure for human Life, as soon as possible
to remind all inhabitants of the Earth – potential members of the planetary
community about their ethical obligation to be in their minds above the prevailing
policy in the past, national and state borders and facilitate the establishment of
new transnational-transuniversal institutions of democratic governance in fact, that
acting in the interest of all the Mankind and on his behalf, assign thereby on themselves
the relevant global responsibility, and will focus on the
preservation and development of the Humanity as a whole, all Life on Earth, to
protect the interests and rights of each person in the world to a prosperous life and
the enjoyment of all of the achievements of the human mind.
To solve global conflicts, new transuniversal
(transnational) institutions should maintain peace and security of the citizens of the planet,
protecting them from the tyranny and violence of individuals (or organized groups) with
underdeveloped or distorted consciousness.
For this purpose initially the Mankind will
need appropriate multinational armed forces subordinated to the established universal
Earth authorities to maintain global peace and security similar
peacekeeping formations of the UN, which itself eventually will be transformed into UHO
– the UNITED HUMANITY ORGANIZATION, becoming part of Earth Parliament.
Only then we can hope that
the level of the universal human security will increase, and the planet Earth
will never become like space "Titanic" and will not disappear in one of
the black holes of the ocean of the Universe.
In the infosphere you can meet such
reasoning that threat to Earthmen could come also from extraterrestrial civilizations.
According to some scientists, the so-called "alien intelligence" may at
any moment destroy our civilization, i.e. to conquer the Earth. This can happen
depending on the direction of the development of our global consciousness.
Since the purpose of Being is improvement, they argue, the Nature (God, Higher
mind) itself will take care of whether our civilization continue or be destroyed,
and this destruction can be done by the hands of our very civilization.
The improvement, in their opinion, goes two separate but mutually supportive ways -
mentally and morally.
And, if moral perfection goes
on par or better, ahead of the mental, then nothing serious (except external
and environmental factors) threatens to the civilization.
In case mental improvement ahead moral, then all scientific and technical
achievements are used immorally and the civilization destroys itself. Otherwise,
a civilization with low morals, but a high level of the technological
knowledge, reached opportunities of interstellar and even intergalactic travel,
can transfer this negative experience, and with it its order to other space creations.
Therefore on ruins of this (destroyed itself) civilization arises a new one, and the wholeprocess
is repeated until moral improvement will triumph.
The Russian philosopher-cosmist
Ivan Efremov predicted that cosmic civilizations unite in a certain space United Nations,
which monitors and controls for developing civilizations, and in the early
stages of their development shares with them knowledge of mathematics, construction and
agriculture. Subsequently,it probably protects them from external and natural
factors of destruction.
Any space civilization can be destroyed
by advanced civilizations only in case, if the developing civilization with low morals
achieved high levels of knowledge, not destroyed itself and poses a threat to other alien
civilizations. This is one of moralizing fantastic versions that do not have yet reliable
scientific evidence, but it is interesting, and worth considering.
v v
So, ideally, each human and citizen should be armed with some ideology,
but it is better, if the most advanced and common for a bigger number of people.
Transuniversalism is the ideology for
unification of the entire population of the planet, so that it finally became a uniform
world community, truly Terrestrial civilization.
Transuniversalism is not an alternative to, or replacement of existing
ideologies, religions and beliefs, and represents their ideal
and ideological continuation, generalizing and unifying essence of all reasonable and rational,
that exists in these ideologies, religions and beliefs, but elevated to a higher, modern stage
of public development.
This ensures spiritual continuity of
Transuniversalism to traditional religions and beliefs, to all reasonable, good
and moral that was embedded in their teachings for centuries to form better sides of consciousness
of all peoples on the Earth.
In turn, the human consciousness, that has grasped the ideas of Transuniversalism, i.e.
transuniversalist, and therefore, his actions and acts should be directed to:
1. Self-improvement: he should lead a healthy lifestyle; through breeding, education and enlightenment to obtain all
necessary for the twenty-first century knowledge and refill them constantly
throughout life, to raise the level of his mentality.
2. The arrangement of his home,
family, creating them the most comfortable, but not luxurious conditions of
living, to care for his parents, to raise and bring up children.
Arrangement and improvement of his house, the surrounding neighborhood, yard, street,
district – local patriotism.
4. Development and improvement
of the region, electing the most worthy, reasonable and moral its leaders
– regional patriotism.
5. The development and
improvement of his country, the prosperity of his national state formation, electing
the most worthy, reasonable and moral its leaders – national patriotism. The
correctness of the choice of the country's leaders in the XXI century must be
strictly evaluated by indicators of independent international statistics in
order to know that the country is at the forefront in positive indicators
(quality of life, wages, life expectancy, level of education, etc.) and on the
last - on negative indicators (level of corruption, mortality, unemployment,
crime, etc.). These indicators should serve as an independent evaluation of the
functional suitability of the heads of the country, and in case of
deterioration, the reason for the replacement of the governing bodies of the national
state formation on a more efficient. If the heads of the country in spite of
the deteriorating performance by deception and/or fraud and/or repressive
bodies would prevent the change of government to a more worthy and effective
leaders (i.e. usurping the power), the mature civil society should judge them severely.
6. The development and
improvement of the planet as a whole, preservation and upgrading of the Earth's
biosphere, the maintenance of peace and progress within the United Humanity
through election to the leadership of Mankind of the most decent, intelligent,
and moral leaders, possessing a keen sense of global responsibility – global
7. Transuniversalists should be united and support
each other in implementing the ideas and recommendations of this ideology,
achieve its goals and objectives. All States should gradually include in their
national constitutions the ideas and principles of Transuniversalism
that should become a single ideology, uniting Humanity into a global
civil society – social supranational hyper-state, which ideas should be the guide
for its formation and development. Following them, people should
gradually achieve mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual aid, all
military conflicts, inadmissible between citizens, have to stop gradually,
national borders in process of formation of the hyper-state – to become more
transparent and soon to disappear completely (and then all territorial disputes
and disagreements will stop by themselves and be gradually settled), military
formations - to be disbanded and converted into bodies of law enforcement, any
weapon – to be destroyed, and its production, sale and use in any form – to be
considered as the most serious crimes against humanity and
fellow citizens-Earthmen (Tellurians).
Released from production of armaments and upkeeping of armies funds should be
invested on the free for all upbringing, education, enlightment, sports
and recreation facilities and activities, and medicine, as well as facilities
for children and the elderly.
The famous French philosopher and educator Paul
Holbach, who lived in the XVIII century, wrote: «People are unhappy, angry and do not know
how to live in society just because their leaders are neglect their duty to
educate them about their true interests. A bad government only divides people,
intimidates them, dulls them in the moral sense and the sense of community that
separates their personal interests from the interests of society - in short,
this government sows vice, so you should not be surprised that it does not reap
virtue. Bad laws, unjust governments, perverse institutions, ridiculous customs,
bigoted, full of brutality and intolerance, preventing any
natural human communication superstitions - all this can never form good
People discover so much of evil intention and act as so bad members of society only
because the rulers neglect their upbringing, hinder their education, seek to divide
and corrupt them.
Ignorance, wrong beliefs and lies are the true sources of disasters, from which human
societies suffer. People are deceived, forbidding them to seek advice from
experience and reason and develop their abilities to knowledge; they give them instead ghosts,
fairy tales, dreams and clerical inventions. It is impossible to imagine how
beneficial to society would be reasonably directed the education of all citizens!
Education of citizens everywhere is entrusted to persons, whose interests are completely
detached from the interests of society. Such teachers cultivate only slavish spirit in the people,
inspiring in them the habit without reasoning to obey the guidance of rulers and fatal
indifference to those subjects that most would be of interest to them.
Only science, reason, freedom are capable to correct people and make them happier.
But everything that happens in the world is helping to make people blind and to fix their errors.
The priests lie to people, tyrants corrupt them, and they both use these means to
make people slaves.
The tyranny always was and will be a true source of the decline of morality and
constant misery of nations. Peoples almost all time, intoxicated by religious beliefs,
or metaphysical fictions instead of look for natural and visible causes
of their distress, blaming their shortcomings on imperfection of the nature,
and their troubles – on the wrath of gods. They appeal to the sky, bringing vows,
sacrifices, gifts to implore for the end of misery, while really these misfortunes
occur from negligence, ignorance and perversity of their leaders, because
of the criminal institutions, meaningless rituals, false teachings and
unreasonable laws, and most importantly - due to lack of knowledge.
If from childhood the human mind will be receiving correct thoughts, if begin
to develop it, if people will be governed justly, there would be no
need to set our passions against barrier of fear of the gods. When people receive
a good education, when they are well governed, when they will punished
and despised for evil and justly rewarded for good deed to neighbor,
then they all will be good.
Happiness of the people, - he continued - should be based forever on unchanging justice,
on the nature of society, his rights, which nothing can weaken, on its always purposeful
will, his power, always formidable, if it is uniform. Let this force encased in the citizens,
driven by a common interest, would become an insurmountable obstacle for any, who
will dare to encroach on the common will».
Following these teachings of the great philosopher,
whose books should be studied in all school institutions of the Earth, the Humanity
should be able to rise above competing economic and political systems that divide the world.
Each person should become the citizen of the planetary community.
So, the single unifying nationality of the inhabitants
of the Earth should be common to all - the Earthman (Tellurian),
who according his ideology should be transuniversalist.
Thus, with the proliferation of civic education, the growth of the number of adherents
of this ideology, and with it the number of Citizens of the Earth-XXI, more will be
noticeable the ideological division of themso-ansi-language: planet’s population
in just two parts:
1. Well-bred, well-educated and scientifically
enlightened Citizens of Earth-XXI - transuniversalists.
2. Ignorant, ill-bred, ill-educated NON-citizens of the
Earth, worst part of which is capable of performing anti-social, criminal-
mortar and even crimes against humanity and citizenship, and which should be
considered not only NON-citizens, but also NON-human (Inhumans).
The logic of reasoning suggests that the first part of
the planet's population should grow steadily, and the second one to decrease not less
rapidly. The alternative is so far only one – a universal degradation and self-destruction of
mankind, which to allow in any case impossible.
The way to fight against the second group should
be very simple: different extent of their isolation from the healthy part of the
society and compulsory intensive breeding, education and enlightment up until
they learn to do daily good deeds in favor of humanity and fellow citizens. Only
at such form of human self-organizationit will be possible to consider that the ideology
of Transuniversalism has achieved its goal and directed Mankind to the right
path of development and self-perfection.
v v
However, it should be kept in mind that the Earth
is still inhabited by people with different levels of education, breeding,
outlook and mentality. This ideology is designed for the understanding of its
ideas by the people with an average for the XXI-st century level of development
of mentality. If you feel that the text for you personally rather simple,
it means that your mentality is not below average.
If you feel that this text is somewhat difficult for you to understand, then the
level of updating of your mentality is below the average and you should immediately
replenish your knowledge with additional information, appropriate to the level
of knowledge of the XXI century.
Only ignorant people, or those, who are capable of
doing evil and struggle with reason and good, can oppose this ideology. Educators-interpreters
can help ordinary people to understand its text.
If after reading the text of Transuniversalism certain provisions of this ideology have
caused you internal protest and even some antagonism, it means only that your consciousnessis
to some extent distorted or underdeveloped, and you need urgently to normalize it,
otherwise it will be difficult for you to live under these merging ideas uniting Humanity,
as the internal enemy among normal people-global citizens around you.
Therefore, in such cases, you should do as recommended
18 centuries ago the Roman emperor-thinker Marcus Aurelius:
«Firstly, do only what inspires the reason. This is
the dominant part of your being, which directs actions to the benefit of people.
Secondly, know how to change your opinion, if someone pointed out to your mistake
or managed to convince you. But changing his mind it is possible only in accordance
with justice, the common good, and the like, and not because the new look seems
more easy, pleasant or promises glory».
Anyway, the text of Transuniversalism is not
dogmatic and will continue to be improved upon receipt of reasonable ideas from the best
thinkers of Mankind.
Subsequently, its ideas have formed the basis of the text of the
Universal Earth Constitution .

Moderator of the text of Transuniversalism – WPF President Igor Kondrashin
Copyright © 2014 Igor Kondrashin