- Dr. Igor I. Kondrashin (Russia) - Chairman - WPF President & Founder, Classical philosopher, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY Rector - Profile ( E-mail - wphforum@gmail.com )
- Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos (Greece) - HONORARY Chairman - WPF Honorary President, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, Greece - Profile ( E-mail - emouts@Academyofathens.gr )
- Irina Bokova (International) - HONORARY Co-Chairman - UNESCO Director-General - Profile ( E-mail - p.alvarez@unesco.org )
- Nicholas Hagger (United Kingdom) - Deputy Chairman - Acting SCH Chairman, WPF Vice President, responsible for the USE creation, Special envoy to the UNITED NATIONS organisation, Philosopher, prominent writer & poet - Profile ( E-mail - info@nicholashagger.co.uk )
- Prof. Abdusalam A. Guseinov (Russia) - philosopher, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Director of the RAS Institute of Philosophy - Profile ( E-mail - wphforum@gmail.com )
- Prof. Vyacheslav S. Stepin (Russia) - philosopher, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the President of the Russian philosophical society - Profile ( E-mail - wphforum@gmail.com )
- Prof. Glen T. Martin (USA) - PhD, Professor of Philosophy of Radford University, President of World Constitution and Parliament Assoc., the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, President of Institute on World Problems - Profile ( E-mail
- gmartin@radford.edu )
- Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco (Peru) - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, prominent thinker, Lima - Peru, WPF Peruvian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - cefips@yahoo.com )
- Prof. Timi Ecimovic (Slovenia) - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF University Rector, Professor and chair of Environmental Sciences at Ansted University, Slovenia, Coordinator for South & Central European countries, WPF Slovenian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - timi.ecimovic@bocosoft.com )
- Ricaardoe Di Done (Quebec, Canada) - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, president-fondateur of the
Organization for Protection of Children's Rights (O.P.C.R.)
Coordinator for North American countries, WPF Canadian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - rdidone@osde.ca )
- Prof. Evgenij Kutovoy (Russia) - Ambassador at large, PhD in History, professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy - Profile ( E-mail - ekutovoy1@yandex.ru )
- Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland) - WPF Coordinator for North & Central European countries, Lazarski University in Warsaw and Zayed University in Dubai, political philosopher - - Profile
( E-mail - sopot_plato@hotmail.com )