"Best philosophical ideas to educate, consolidate and transform Humanity
into integrated Earth-XXI CITIZENSHIP"

of most welcomed participants
to the WPF annual Symposium-2017


Participants - 2017

  1. Members of the WPF Board
  2. Members of Athens Academy
  3. Members of other National Academies
  4. Nobel or Gusi International Peace Prizes Laureates
  5. Members of the Executive Board of UNESCO
  6. Members of the Supreme Council of the Humanity
  7. Members of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO
  8. Members of Federation Internationale des Societes de Philosophie
  9. Members of the Hellenic Society for Philosophical Studies
  10. Earth-XXI Citizens & Aristocrats
  11. Members of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece
  12. Members of the Greek Philosophical Society

    and  personally:

  13. Abraham Joseph - New Delhi, India
  14. Alfredo P.Jonson, Jr. - Manila, Philippines
  15. Bokoshov Jamgyrbek - Kyrgyzstan
  16. Bogdanova Marina - Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  17. Cattani Adelino - Padua, Italy
  18. Columbus N. Ogbujah - Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  19. Danielyan Naira - Moscow, Russia
  20. Datcu Vasile - Braila, Romania
  21. Dimitriadou Margarita - Athens, Greece
  22. Ecimovic Timi - Izola, Slovenia
  23. Gabaude Jean-Marc - Toulouse, France
  24. Gudkov Alexander - Moscow, Russia
  25. Harte Jack - Ireland
  26. Hasbullah Zakaria - Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
  27. Kagaraki Kaiti - Athens, Greece
  28. Korab-Karpowicz W. Julian - Praha, Czech Republic
  29. Korotenko Vladimir - Kyrgyzstan
  30. Logothetis Sophia-Sylvia - Athens, Greece
  31. Lourdesn Efrelyn San Juan Mario - Aparri Cagayan, Philippines
  32. Manolidi Pandora - Athens, Greece
  33. Maslikhin Alexander - Joshkar-Ola, Russia
  34. Mikhailova Renata - Cheboksary, Russia
  35. Mukhamatgaliev Damir - Joshkar-Ola, Russia
  36. Ogbujah Columbus N. - Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  37. Omar Haji Ahmad Laksamana - Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
  38. Mohd Hafizul Hj. Ahmad - Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
  39. Mohammad Nizar Mat Nor - Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
  40. Petrov Valerian - Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
  41. Rosenko Mariya - Sevastopol, Russia
  42. Popova Elena - Vladikavkaz, Russia
  43. Quyang Kang - Wuhan, P. R. China
  44. Ricaardoe Di Done - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  45. Rotenfeld Yurij - Lugansk, Ukraine
  46. Siddiqi M. Shahid - Ottawa, Canada
  47. Simmy Joseph - New Delhi, India
  48. S.A.R.P.V.Chaturvedi - India
  49. Shariff Ibrahim Albani - Manila, Philippines
  50. Swaminadhan Devarakonda - Hyderabad, India
  51. Tsolakidou Helen - Athens, Greece

Also   ex-Participants of previous Symposia   are invited:

  1. Ana António Tomas - Luanda, Angola
  2. Antonova Victoria - Taganrog, Russia
  3. Arlychev Anatoliy - Moscow, Russia
  4. Batsîkama Patrício - Luanda, Angola
  5. Birich Inna - Moscow, Russia
  6. Bogdanova Marina - Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  7. Bokoshov Zhamgyrbek - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  8. DiLeo-Vulic Peter - Puerto Rico, US
  9. Ferreira José-Luís - Luanda, Angola
  10. Gamzayev Alihasan - Baku, Azerbaijan
  11. Gezalov Ariz - Baku, Azerbaijan
  12. Gomilko Olga - Kiev, Ukraine
  13. Goryunov Valery - Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  14. Ismaylov Vilayat - Baku, Azerbaijan
  15. Kaltchev Ivan - Sofia, Bulgaria
  16. Korotenko Vladimir - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  17. Kutovoy Evgenij - Moscow, Russia
  18. Kuznetsova Tatjana - Moscow, Russia
  19. Mielkov Iuriy - Kiev, Ukraine
  20. Mikhaylov Vladimir - Moscow, Russia
  21. Moustos John - Athens, Greece
  22. Panchenko Olga - Moscow, Russia
  23. Rajani Remi - Visakhapatnam, India
  24. Rev. Fr. Prudencio M. Edralin - Philippines
  25. Roumbini Volanaki - Athens, Greece
  26. Shankaranarayana Hebbale - Bangalore, India
  27. Solodukho Nathan - Kazan, Russia
  28. Sreedhara Thirthapura - Mangalore, India
  29. Tolpadi Rajarama - Mangalore, India
  30. Tolstoukhov Anatoliy - Kiev, Ukraine
  31. Voin (Miron) Alexander - Israel - Kiev, Ukraine
  32. Voitov Alexander - Moscow, Russia
  33. Vujisić Zoran - Puerto Rico, US
  34. Zhang Shaoyu - Inner Mongolia, China


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