"Best philosophical ideas educate, consolidate and unite Humanity"
Aristotle Philosophical
for educating and certification of
Earth-XXI Aristocrats
"Our times demand a new definition of leadership - global leadership. They demand a new constellation of international cooperation - governments, civil society and the private sector, working together for a collective global good."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Speech at World Economic Forum
Davos, Switzerland (29 January 2009)
If you, even after having become the Citizen of the Earth-XXI, are not quite satisfied with what is going on the Earth nowadays;;
If you are concerned that our planet becomes worse and worse with every passing day and there is a risk of extinction of all life on it; If you want a better life for yourself, for your children and grandchildren, for your friends and relatives, for future generations as a whole; You should start to act more actively, involving in allies the most sane and reasonable people of the current generation to reach necessary results; It is impossible to do alone or in a team with irrational individuals, even if they are strong or rich.This can be done only by Earth CITIZENS with the mentality of the XXI century united into the Citizenship of the Earth! And best out of these CITIZENS of the EARTH who should be sensible, intelligent, well educated, morally strong people with clear conscience can appear Earth Aristocrats.According to ancient Greek philosophers opinion among good people with an advanced mentality based on Wisdom, Reason and Morality for sure it is possible to find the best ones, best from the best - ARISTOS (gr.) - the most sensible and intelligent, best educated, moral, and wise with a most clear conscience. Only this kind of people are capable to organize in a due way a happy and safe Life on Earth. Therefore the governance on the planet, all the political power (KRATIA) in the XXI-st century should be everywhere in the hands (minds) of only such Citizens as Aristocrats of the Earth-XXI! * * *
But in order to become an Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI, it is necessary for Citizens of the Earth still more to develop their consciousness and as much as possible to supplement already existing special ordinary civil knowledge. * * *
The National Academies Members -
Earth-XXI Aristocrats
S. Bagaev
E. Moutsopoulos
A. Guseinov
V. Stepin
The International GUSI Peace Prize Laureates - Earth-XXI Aristocrats
Fidel Gutierrez
Ricaardoe Di Done
Igor Kondrashin
Timi Ecimovic
Glen Martin
CIVIL knowledge,
which should possess to perfection
every Citizens of Earth,
if he wishes to become
an Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI
If after having studied profoundly the whole volume of Civil KNOWLEDGE, you will consider yourself worthy to apply for the highest in the world a status rank - Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI, you should send your Application at e-mail: info@wpf-unesco.org, pay the registration fee and pass the procedure of the certification and inauguration in the Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY in Thessaloniki, Greece, or in one of its world branches.
Certification procedure involves an interview and, at positive result, awarding the Certificate, Identity card, and later on - the Decoration and PASSPORT of the "Aristocrat of the Earth". Procedure of inauguration and certification in Thessaloniki is carried out within agreed time frame in one of the ACADEMY premises (the Conference hall of the Aristotle University or the Thessaloniki city administration). A distant (on-line through e-mail) inauguration and certification is also possible. Rector of the Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY -
Prof. Igor Kondrashin - Philosopher, WPF President & CEO, Laureate of International Gusi Peace Prize Award - Profile;
Director of the Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY -
Maria Economou - WPF Thessaloniki city branch Head - Profile.
After that your name will be put in the special LIST of Aristocrats of the Earth-XXI on the website of the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM, that would mean authenticity received by you the Certificate, Id. card, Decoration and PASSPORT of the Earth Aristocrat, and after that you can start your activity in the world public status of the Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI. * * *
Availability of the Certificate, Id. card and the PASSPORT of the "Aristocrat of the Earth" should be regarded as evidence of wisdom, intelligence and the most high moral qualities of their owner, and to be the most authoritative recommendatory document at employment when applying for a managerial position in any international organization, transnational company, at elections or appointments on the highest State posts to all public offices in all countries and states. Only Earth-XXI Aristocrats can be recommended to be elected to Earth Parliament or the Supreme Council of the Humanity. * * *
Thus, if you have already the public status rank of the Earth-XXI Citizen and wish to be certified as
the Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI at the Aristotle Philosophical ACADEMY in Thessaloniki
(with receipt of appropriate Certificate, Identity card, Decoration and "PASSPORT of Earth Aristocrat"),
you may send your Application to WFF e-mail at: info@wpf-unesco.org
Earth-XXI ARISTOCRAT distinctive properties 1) Certificate of the highest Earth civil status
2) Earth Arisocrat ensign
3) Earth-XXI Arisocrat IDENTITY card with Id.No.
4) PASSPORT of the Earth Arisocrat (some time later)
информер времени
One-time registration fee for the right to become the Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI is = 500 euro, including the cost of the Certificate, Identity card, and later - Decoration and the PASSPORT of the Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI.
It is understood that you have already passed the certification procedure on a status rank of the "Citizen of the Earth-XXI", have the appropriate Certificate and your name with a personal Id. number is in the LIST of "Citizens of the Earth" on the WPF website ( http://wpf-unesco.org/id.htm. If so, then you can transfer the above-mentioned registration fee amount in Euro to WPF Bank account in:
CITIBANK, Athens, Greece,
IBAN account No.: GR38 0840 1020 0000 0550 5222 484
Swift code: CITIGRAA
to the name of WPF President Igor Kondrashin If you like, you have the possibility to pay your Earth-XXI Citizenship registration fee from your debit or credit card:We would be greatful to you if you send the information about the transference of your amount with your name to the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM Organization at info@wpf-unesco.org or ikondrashin@ya.ru so that we can start the procedure of assigning you the status of "Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI".
Thank you for your understanding.
In view of the above it is understood that an Habitant of the Earth, having the highest civil status - Aristocrat of the Earth-XXI, really should be the BEST out of the best and differ from other Citizens of Earth first of all by:
1. The highest good breeding and civic education;
2. The most well-formed consciousness as the basis of wisdom, reason and morality.;
3. Correctly focused reflection on what is happening around in the world, to react adequately, presence of conscience and responsibility for his own destiny and all that surrounds him.
He should be a true leader of global scale among the best, capable to benefit people in worldwide policy and economy. Therefore only such people can be trusted the highest administering posts in state apparatus of all countries and international organizations, and be full-fledged members of the new Global leadership, because it is them who can do the most important work on a global scale and are able to solve the most complex problems and challenges facing Humanity today.
See the LIST
of Aristocrats of the Earth-XXI
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